1st powerlifting meet


I am banned!
My first meet is 4wks away, and I'm lifting 220 division raw. For those of you with experience how should my training be this last month? In the gym I've roughly been doing 4 sets of 5 and 2 more sets 3,1. My current GYM lifts are 475x3 squat, 345x2 bench, 605 deadlift. I think I need to start pausing now and hitting lower reps? any advice for a first timer would be great. BTW I'm on 600mg test c a week, at my 6th wk now, so my lifts should go up pretty good in a month.
work your way down to heavy singles [ approximately your opening attempt ]a few days before the comp . rest a few days and then kick ass.
work your way down to heavy singles [ approximately your opening attempt ]a few days before the comp . rest a few days and then kick ass.

You seem to really know your powerlifting stuff. do you think 1450-1500 is a decent total for 220 raw? Would it be a good idea to rest about 5-6 days before the meet?
You seem to really know your powerlifting stuff. do you think 1450-1500 is a decent total for 220 raw? Would it be a good idea to rest about 5-6 days before the meet?

we always rtopped 3-5 days before a meet but thats just how we did it. after all these yesrs skipping a whole week felt weird as hell.
1500 plus raw is a very good 220 total.

are you planning to try using shirts and suits in the future ?