1st test e cycle cut or bulk?


New member
Hey guys

Looking for some advice

I'm 25 and have been weight lifting for about 6 years now, I'm looking to start my 1st test e cycle as I am going away on holiday in 9 weeks and wanting to look great

6ft 4 ,218Lb , 17%bf

My friend has advised I go with Test E 500mg cutting cycle for 8 weeks. After doing doing some research on various different forums they mostly advise to get BF% as low as possible and then bulk on your 1st cycle?

Would I benefit much from using Test e to cut ? Will it benefit my beach bod? Or should I wait until I'm down to a good BF then use my 1st cycle to bulk ?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !

Thanks Guys
First cycle will be the best cycle you will ever have I'd bulk put on as much as u can. get the most out of the first cycle.
If you plan on cycling alot I'd naturally drop down to around 10-12% bf and just get mass for a while if you have Ben lifting for 6 years you should have a good base. Imo gear should only b used at sub 15%bf if you cannot get there natural you most likely don't have your diet and or training down yet. Just think how do u look now you will be a bigger version or yourself after cycling. Gear is not a fat loss drug won't help u loose any weight if that is what you are looking for. Gear in a cutting cycle is only to help maintain muscle while cutting calories. Read up alot never take advice from anyone without doing your own research also. Because based on what you saI'd you don't know much about cycling. Lile for example you Said 8 weeks of test e. test takes 4-5 weeks to kick so you won't get much out of a 8 week cycle. test e should b 10-12 you didn't mention a ai or pct also. Do yourself a favor and read all the stickies and learn as much as possible before doing any gear and you will go a long way towards reaching your goal. I always feel if you can't loose or gain weight naturally you shouldn't be using steroids till you can do that.
Thanks for the feedback man , really appreciate it

Think i will go with cut naturally get to a decent BF% then do a 12 week 500mg bulk cycle after my holidays to take full advantage
POST A PIC. At 25 I could avoid Mc D s for a month and look different but I don t know if I was ever 17..how d u arrive at that ? To me it s a guess even w calipers and whatever algo rythum ?? they use..plus or minus 2 points. I m o .
Research steroid profiles. It's not always a good idea to listen to friends. You should know this from your own research.