1st Time Diabolix Cycle Log


New member
New to the forum. Will be starting a 4 week Diabolix Cycle. I am 45, have run Superdrol, Helladrol, and Stenzine in the past among others. I usually try not to run too many different supps at the same time. Usually keep my gains by just using HMB, but I will probably use Clomid as well since I still have some. I will be starting my cycle Monday. I will add a before pick shortly. Up for any suggestions, keep in mind, I am on a very limited budget.

Cycle: Diabolix 45/45/45/45
Muscle Milk in between meals

PCT: Clomiphene Citrate
Started Diabolix today taking 1 capsule 15mg 3 x day so far with meals. Muscle Milk 2-3 scoops with water in between meals. Meals 3-5 times day.
Weight 177 lbs
Height 6' even

Goals: Bulk, with main focus on Biceps/Triceps. Will be doing legs/chest/back as well, just want to target the mini guns.

Biceps 13" flaccid 14.5" flexed.

Too early to notice any difference in strength or endurance during workout. No sides noticed.

Short Workout Preacher curls 110 lbs 6/6/6
Military Press 95 lbs 6/6/6
Dumbbell Lat Raises 20 lbs 6/6/6
Dumbbell Side Raises 20 lbs 6/6/6

Will post some pics once this poison ivy clears up..
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Day 2, no sides, no noticeable effects. Same dosage, ate 3 meals today with only one shaker of muscle milk after work out.

Work out no rest in between sets.
Bar dips 15/15/15
Leg Ext 125 lbs 10/10/10
Tri Kickbacks 30 lbs 6/6/6
Push Ups 25/25/25
What time of the day do you lift and are you dosing prior to lifting? If not, try dosing about 45 minutes to 1 hour prior to lifting if time allows.
I lift in the evening anywhere from 7-10 pm. I am dosing as the directions say 1 capsule 3 x day evenly spaced out. I can take the last capsule closer to workout time if thats what you think is best.
Day 3 rest day.

Day 4 Same routine as day 1 except switched Military press for pull ups 5/5/5.

Day 5 Weight 178.

Bench press warm up 200 lb /6. 260 lb /6. 300 lb 6/5
Dumbbell Flys 80 lb 6/6/6
Skull Crushers 80 lb 6/6/6
I lift in the evening anywhere from 7-10 pm. I am dosing as the directions say 1 capsule 3 x day evenly spaced out. I can take the last capsule closer to workout time if thats what you think is best.

Yeah, I would say give it a try. I've always had better gym sessions while kn cycle if I dose about 30-60 minutes prior. Sometimes it was best 90 minutes prior. It's your call as you know what you're feeling and how you're responding.
Day 6 off --DOMS--

Day 7 Workout: Preacher Curls 110 6/6. 125 6/4
Hammer Curls 40 6/6/6
French Curls 45 8/8/8
Front Barbell Lat Raise 45 6/6/6
why dont you educate the members here on exactly what he is taking.. that would help

Basically it's a compound that converts to dianabol. Our other loggers are reporting that it's not as wet as dianabol but are still seeing nice gains in strength and weight while negative side effects are very minimal.

Here is a write up by Henryv from another site about our compound:



Methandienazone, Methandrostenazone

Current Clones (Brand Names):
Iron Flex Diabolix

Anabolic:Androgenic Ratio:

The utility of hydrazone-substituted androgens was investigated by Italian researchers at the Research Laboratories of Ormonoterapia Richter in 1962. They found that the hydrazone and azine derivatives of masteron and superdrol had similar anabolic actions and reduced androgenic effects relative to the parent compounds, leading to an improved anabolic to androgenic ratio in all cases.

Structure and Function:
This compound is structurally very similar to methandrostenolone, better known as dianabol. Whereas methandrostenolone has a ketone function at C3, this has a hydrazone moiety at the same position. This hydrazone function should hydrolyze in vivo to a ketone (i.e. it should convert to methandrostenolone).

Testosterone, DHT, or 19-nortestosterone based? Testosterone based (but reduction of the C4-5 double bond proceeds in favour of the 5b-H configuration).
17a-methylated? Yes.
Does it aromatize? It is likely to aromatize.
Typically used for: Bulk, lean bulk, strength
Typically dosed at: Unknown
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Man! hate to see you got hurt! how far along were you into the log? maybe you could save the rest for when you heal up then hop back on it... or get some nasty mass :)