1st week with 3J, AND LOVING IT!!!!


New member
Hey you guys, I'm new at posting on the forum, but been reading you guys for quite a while now. I was on Keto since 28 of May and getting mixed results good but not what i use to get a couple of years back when i use to diet like this. So after reading and catching on that 3J was the man around here for awesome diet. I decided to give him a shout, and he responded really quickly. He hooked me up with a diet plan that would work for me and gave me some great advice and support. I've been on his plan for a week now and i started at 177 and weighted my self yesterday and was still 177. But feel like i had lost 5 pounds really my clothes would fit better and my belt was 2 notches down. Anyway, i send my results to 3J and he tells me everything alright and to keep at it and stay on plan. Well what do you know this morning i step on the scale and im at 175 BooooYaaa!!! I cant post pics yet cus im a newbie but ill try an send 3j a pic of my self today and he will be able to post it for me. Can't wait to see what the other weeks is going to look like. Cirrus
Well done and keep at it! I am also going to hook up with 3j very soon and hopefully I will be able to see results like others! :)
Well done and keep at it! I am also going to hook up with 3j very soon and hopefully I will be able to see results like others! :)

Sooner the better, trust me. Well trust him lol. But seriously, it's so easy to follow is diet you just eat what he tells you to eat and voila. The results will be there if you have the dedication to push hard in the gym and follow is diet. It's a sure success.