.1um filtration


New member
Do any of you pros know the retention capabilities of .1 filters?they seem virtually impenetrable so im wondering how much of the actual drug gets through them.Is there a chance that a .1um filter would actually remove some of the hormone aswell as the bacteria,spores,endotoxins etc.

Appreciate any informed opinions
as far as i know, there are few syringe filters with that porosity! And only from nylon! Am i correct!
I tought on using them once but never used them...
But they must take almost a day for filtering 50ml and probably they clog with very few ml's! Just not to mention the chemical compatibilities with the nylon and the solvents!
Hi mate,
Most of the different filter manufacturers do every pore size for all of the different filters.Id be using a pvdf membrane for my purposes though instead of nylon or glass fibre so the chemical compatability is fine,ive checked.Youre probably right about a .1 taking forever to get through any volume,a .2 takes a lot longer than a .45 so id expect the .1 is pure hard work but i still wouldnt mind knowing the retention capabilities tbh.

anyone else know anything?
I've seen few sterile syringe filters of 0.1u, and that size pdvf i've never saw one!
Are you sure it's 0.1 micrometers?

you're in uk right?
please link it here or PM me if you don't mind where you get them since I'm interested on it, specially in europe!

about the retention capabilities, 0.1 is considered macro-molecular range, it's the only one that can barely filter some bigger virus! altough it's far from filtering all virus range and very far from filtering endotoxins. For filtering endotoxins only at 20 au (armstrong units);(20au=0.002 micron) you can effectivelly clean endotoxins and that can only be achieved with specialized equipment!

About of the hormone removal it may be possible, but i'm not sure about this because it will depende on the molecule sizes of it!