2 a day workouts, thoughts?


New member
Hey. So right now I'm at the gym for fasting cardio at 5am. 30 mins stair machine, then 15 mins on bike, followed by 10 mins in sauna. I then go back at night for weight training. Do you think I'm overdoing it?
I need to drop another 15lbs, recently down 70.
Thanks for any info or thoughts!!
if your cardio is LISS , then no you're prob not over doing it at all. especially if weight loss is your main goal (if muscle preservation was your main goal, you may want to consider other options/variables as well)

note : I do two a days, and I'm not even trying to loose weight. I just prefer to split up my weight and cardio sessions
OP Roush has got your answer I full. !!!

I myself for different reasons might do a double split routine. One muscle in the am and the other in the pm with a 3-on and 1 day off routine that I'm doing now. Maybe, I have time since I don't work :)
Fuck that LISS shit. Do some HIIT! That hour you spend in the gym can be cut in half and burn double the calories. Plus sitting in the sauna does jack squat for losing weight. You just drink it back through out the day.
Fuck that LISS shit. Do some HIIT! That hour you spend in the gym can be cut in half and burn double the calories. Plus sitting in the sauna does jack squat for losing weight. You just drink it back through out the day.

If muscle preservation for 'bodybuilding' purposes is a primary factor, over just the fat loss factor .. then LISS is the way to go. However, if you don't mind the catabolic, metabollic, and nervous system stress that HIIT puts on your body, and your all about just 'burning calories' , then HIT works as well.
personally, I'd rather NOT tax my nervous system with HIIT when I'm in the process of trying to build more LBM and strength . I want to save all that for the weights . but LISS is not taxing on the nervous system like HIIT is , so you can do LISS and burn fat while in a growth phase without taking away from the weight training.

HIIT is a great tool for people short on time, or for those who are more concerned with overall conditioning then they are just building muscle.
I always split mine up. But I sit behind a desk, so it makes me feel better to get off my ass twice a day. Lifting always in the morning, cardio in the evening. Cardio is whatever I feel like for conditioning work, but I always do at least one session a week of LISS, because I am pushing 50 years old. I get a better boost with respect to fat loss splitting up my training, and this holds true whether I am on or off cycle.

What are your reasons for using the sauna? I mean, I sit in one often, but I am old, creaking bastard and it makes me feel better.
2 a days the way you are doing it is fine IMO, in fact i dont really consider am cardio a workout per se.
Hey. So right now I'm at the gym for fasting cardio at 5am. 30 mins stair machine, then 15 mins on bike, followed by 10 mins in sauna. I then go back at night for weight training. Do you think I'm overdoing it?
I need to drop another 15lbs, recently down 70.
Thanks for any info or thoughts!!

keep us posted.