2 months into clean bulk progress


live for lift
Haven't been eating much lately. Currently on 3 meals a day+1 shake, appetite is really low but I'm happy with my progress so far, also fat gains are very minimal. 10 pounds gained and abs still visible after 2 months! Current diet looks like this

raw oats+natty PB with 4 whole boiled eggs
1 can tuna, 4 whole wheat toast
lean chicken breast with broccoli and potatoes
600 cals 30g Protein

mon-arms(DB curl, close grip bench, BB curl)
tues-legs(only squats and SL deadlifts, and calf raises)
thurs-chest(DB flat, BB incline, mil press)
fri-back(pull down, BB row, deadlift)

All workouts 3 exercises 3 sets 12, 8, 6
Pure intensity, HEAVY, 90 sec rest. I have found cutting volume has given me great results both in strength and size. After focusing on squats and dead-lifts I'm seeing quad separation for the first time in my life F YEAH!

1st pic is 2 months ago(148 lbs), the rest are 5 minutes ago(158 lbs). I have been natural all my life, still considering a cycle but not for at least a year or ten.
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Haven't been eating much lately. Currently on 3 meals a day+1 shake, appetite is really low but I'm happy with my progress so far, also fat gains are very minimal. 10 pounds gained and abs still visible after 2 months! Current diet looks like this

raw oats+natty PB with 4 whole boiled eggs
1 can tuna, 4 whole wheat toast
lean chicken breast with broccoli and potatoes
600 cals 30g Protein

mon-arms(DB curl, close grip bench, BB curl)
tues-legs(only squats and SL deadlifts, and calf raises)
thurs-chest(DB flat, BB incline, mil press)
fri-back(pull down, BB row, deadlift)

All workouts 3 exercises 3 sets 12, 8, 6
Pure intensity, HEAVY, 90 sec rest. I have found cutting volume has given me great results both in strength and size. After focusing on squats and dead-lifts I'm seeing quad separation for the first time in my life F YEAH!

1st pic is 2 months ago(148 lbs), the rest are 5 minutes ago(158 lbs). I have been natural all my life, still considering a cycle but not for at least a year or ten.

Maybe im the only one who likes to go balls out on every single workout, but your workouts seem... puny. For arm day you have 3 exersizes total and only 1 for triceps?

IMO genes and only genes have got you to where you are today, dont get me wrong, you look great for your size, but with a good diet and better training routine you could be a beast.
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Maybe im the only one who likes to go balls out on every single workout, but your workouts seem... puny. For arm day you have 3 exersizes total and only 1 for triceps?

IMO genes and only genes have got you to where you are today, dont get me wrong, you look great for your size, but with a good diet and better training routine you could be a beast.

1. you don't know me, I guarantee I train harder than you
2. my volume is low because im on a bulk not some fairy fitness routine
3. look around in your gym, all the scrawny kids are doing tons of volume with bitch weight, the real men are in and out, 45 minutes tops
4. I do variations of deadlift, BB for back and SL for hams, if your back hurts maybe you should stick to using the pink dumbells?
5. I am a beast, I'm just trying to be a monster
1. you don't know me, I guarantee I train harder than you
2. my volume is low because im on a bulk not some fairy fitness routine
3. look around in your gym, all the scrawny kids are doing tons of volume with bitch weight, the real men are in and out, 45 minutes tops
4. I do variations of deadlift, BB for back and SL for hams, if your back hurts maybe you should stick to using the pink dumbells?
5. I am a beast, I'm just trying to be a monster

Bro, you posted on here for advice am I wrong? Either that or you just want random MALE attention. As for training harder then me, thats an absolute no, and eating, well thats an absolute no as well. I throw up twice a week becuase of the amount of food I force into my system, and I do legs at 2am when theres no1 at my gym becuase I LITERALLY squat until I puke.

Im sorry, but a person who curls 40 pound dumbells and 1 rep maxs benches 180 pounds is NOT a beast, but if you dont want my $0.02 ill let you continue UNDERtraining your triceps and OVERtraining your lower back.
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nahhhh dont you remember... camera's take off 10-15lbs.... or is it the other way around? :confused:

hahaha, other way around, camera makes you GAIN 10-15 pounds lol

This pic was taken BEFORE my cycle, I've GAINED a FULL inch on my arms since this picture, what a joke,

are you such an insecure butthurt loser you had to photoshop my pic lulz? the answer is yes!
seriously your RED for a reason buddy,
A nobody gives a fuck about your shitty opinion
B nobody likes you stop posting ;)
are you such an insecure butthurt loser you had to photoshop my pic lulz? the answer is yes!
seriously your RED for a reason buddy,
A nobody gives a fuck about your shitty opinion
B nobody likes you stop posting ;)

LMAO!!! i think someone just needs a good ol fashion sweaty T-Bagging. its called a little advise. let alone ball busting. take it for what it is or isnt. but obviously someone is a little tender with the butthurt... what your bf didnt give you a common curtsy spit job before he rammed it on home with you?