2 months into clean bulk progress

srsly lol? so your not only a red loser, your also a faggot who has 2 profiles so he can talk to himself, k im deleting my pics your way to much of a flaming faggot to be trusted with them, although im sure youve got it all saved in your porn folder right? dont answer that pls
srsly lol? so your not only a red loser, your also a faggot who has 2 profiles so he can talk to himself, k im deleting my pics your way to much of a flaming faggot to be trusted with them, although im sure youve got it all saved in your porn folder right? dont answer that pls

bwaaaahahahahaha! Pinga or DADAWG need to get up in here an join the fun. This fucking guy. Wtf is a red loser lol. an sorry bitch tits. i have better things to do with my life than make a fake profile. let alone if i could switch my image like that putting on girth then taking it off and change my skin complexion i would be one talented mother fucker. get your head out of your ass.
are you such an insecure butthurt loser you had to photoshop my pic lulz? the answer is yes!
seriously your RED for a reason buddy,
A nobody gives a fuck about your shitty opinion
B nobody likes you stop posting ;)

Im red becuase unlike half the people on this site I give my HONEST opinion. If I think you look like shit, im going to tell you.. I am not tonysuicideking and if you spent a week on this forum you small little punk you would understand that.
1. you don't know me, I guarantee I train harder than you
2. my volume is low because im on a bulk not some fairy fitness routine
3. look around in your gym, all the scrawny kids are doing tons of volume with bitch weight, the real men are in and out, 45 minutes tops4. I do variations of deadlift, BB for back and SL for hams, if your back hurts maybe you should stick to using the pink dumbells?
5. I am a beast, I'm just trying to be a monster

WTF lol.. The only day im in and out of the gym is bicep days becuase there easy to overtrain, you my little bird friend have no fucking clue what your talking about, you ARE one of those scrawny kids I see in my gym!!! lol. FYI, us big motherfuckers do 5-8 reps of weight that would snap your little 14" arms right off. Your arms look big becuase the rest of your body is tiny lol... Fuck outt of here chicken legs

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^^^ HAHAHA! classy. im sorry... but i think she def surpasses the moped definition.. she is no longer fun to ride... i think she would be considered a hover round, or one of those little rascal chairs lol