2 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) completion and trying to shred


New member
2 weeks after PCT completion and trying to shred


what yall think
can't tell much man... it's a tough picture to critique

post some more and give us some stats... weight before cycle, weight after cycle, current weight and some lifting numbers...
does it still work moderately if i take just eph and caff? or do i need the asp? im 18 and dun rlly wanna b loadn up wid 2 much asp but if it doesnt work wid out mose well
the worst thing you could do right after a cycle/pct is cut "shred" your bodys is in a very uneven state and catabolic. what you must do it keep calories and protein HIGH for a while or run a cutter so the steroid helps you hold on to mass while you cut.

your gonna loose alota lbs cutting right after cycle.
but thats my OP.
^^^^ got to agree with ol Juicy Porkchop! I made that mistake last cycle - def got leaner but paid a price in terms of muscle mass. i say wait 3-5 months.
Was going to say that too, to NOT diet when youve just come off. Stay clean for a couple of months without any cardio etc.. Just train heavy and hard and eat clean. THEN diet when youre body is back on track.

And, I can hardly see the pic so its impossible to critique.
Thanks and don't mean to thread jack but I was just about to do the same thing since I just ended my cycle today. I guess I will just continue to train hard and eat clean. for a while