2 weeks into cycle of m1t, sides are starting


New member
Been working out on and off for 2 years
Just started seriously again about 3 weeks ago
Started m1t cycle with creatine and glutamine
Weight 180
Bench 165lbs (6 reps)
Military Press 95lbs (8 reps)
(That's all i've measured change in)

So Far (2 weeks in)
Weight 195
Bench 195
Military Press 135

Dry itchy skin
Lower back pain
Extreme joint pain in elbows

The join pain is the point of this post, is it just because of the fast strength gain in my presses or is it more of a chemical side, what suppliment can i take to counter it.
So far i've been taking 20 mgs/day, how should i finish out my cycle? I have about 60 pills left, 10mg each and i don't want to leave a useless amount left in the bottle (i don't intend to do more than 2 cycles). Continuing my current intake would leave less than a 4 week cycle of m1t

If you got to the end of this, thanks
Im on m1t and had some joint problems too. Glucosamine + Chondroitin cleared em right up in about 2 days.
I was going to do a 2 week testing cycle. Are you going to run a post cycle therapy (pct)? If so, what are you using?
Why start with that after not even a month of training seriosuly?!?!?!
Wont even reply to youre problem cause its pretty obvious....
I used to work out really seriously, like every day and all i took was creatine and glutamine and a protein shake or two every day and i never really got much bigger than i got working out half ass. That's why after like a week of PHlessness i had already built back up to my peaking point so i decided to go PH. One of my friend's said he never got much result off androstein and tribulus and all the others i knew of were 1ad and m1t and everyone suggested m1t over 1ad. As for my PCT, R3ver3nd, all i know to take is 6oxo, will that do the trick?
R2tt1, thanks for the advice, i just took a dose of what you said, i'll see how it helps

Nolva is the best for post cycle therapy (pct). I dont see why one needs 6oxo if they have nolva. And keep us posted on ur cycle till the end. Gool luck for the next 2 weeks. Peace
I dont understand this whole 2 week on/off crap. Most people only work each muscle once a week, so you only work your muscles 2 times on this stuff. Then 2 times with out it and then again 2 times with it. Dont seem like that would work as well as 4 weeks st., but what the hell do i know i'm pretty new. Thats why i'm asking the ????'s Let me in on some info. so i wont be so damn confused by own uneducated thought process
WuJosh said:
R3ver3nd, all i know to take is 6oxo, will that do the trick?


Some believe that 6oxo will do it to raise test levels back to normal. There is no substanial evidence that M1T causes estrogen levels to rise, but, isnt it better to be safe, than sorry?

Originally posted by HoldemOkie2

I dont understand this whole 2 week on/off crap. Most people only work each muscle once a week, so you only work your muscles 2 times on this stuff. Then 2 times with out it and then again 2 times with it. Dont seem like that would work as well as 4 weeks st., but what the hell do i know i'm pretty new. Thats why i'm asking the ????'s Let me in on some info. so i wont be so damn confused by own uneducated thought process

I've read that infact you do not want to overtrain yourself while on a Pro-Hormone, or steroids for that fact. Simply because you need to time to recover.
Cycle Updates
Almost another week in and gains are really good. Put on another 5 lbs in the last week for a total of about 20 lbs in 3 weeks. Bench has gone up about 30-35 lbs, military press went up about 40 lbs so far. Everyone tells me my arms have gotten alot bigger but i don't think they've gone up more than .5"
As for sides
Dry skin went away after 2nd week
Joint pain - Glucosamine + Chondroitin got rid of it almost imediately
Lower back pain is still mild, it's bearable
and that appears to be all
Think i'm going to go with 6oxo just because it's so easy to get, but it seems expensive for a post cycle, almost as expensive as the ACTUAL cycle, how much is a decent post cycle of nolva from most places?