20 and miserable. want to get levels tested asap.


New member
Hi, I'm expecting To get lectured. Whatever.

This isn't about gains and size, Though I'm 6', 155lbs 15% BF despite lifting over a good period of time.
I have no facial hair, and no sex drive.
My mom (and many of my friends) think I'm gay. Im not. I'm tired of being walked on socially.

I'm also very serious about playing rock music, but can't sing the style I want because I sound like a Pussy. I want to sound like Bruce or Seger. This kills me. This has been my one passion for some time and to see myself getting nowhere is really getting me down. I figure that If there's ever a time to fix this, it's while I'm younger and my voice could possibly still deepen. Additionally, to ever make it in music, You pretty much have to do it before youre 30 or else you're too old and washed up to be marketable.

I want to see myself succeed, and also live a happy early 20s. You got your whole life to be old.
I'm curious as to how I can get My T levels tested without breaking the bank (no insurance). Beyond that, I'm wondering whether it would be better to cycle or just start regular trt.
Read the FAQs link in my signature below. It tells you how to get blood work and what blood work to get. There is also a sticky thread in the TRT forum on Hypogonadism which talks about blood work too.

Once you have the results post them up and we can help you understand them.
I think your intentions are good, but expectations might be a bit off. TRT can certainly change your life for the better... but it doesn't turn Justin Beiber into "Bruce or Seger". Not saying you won't be successful, but to think you are going to change your voice is a stretch. You can live an extremely happy life without being a rock star.

You might be hypogonadal, who knows. Megatron answered that part perfectly - spend some money, and get yourself tested privately if you don't have a willing and able Dr. With actual results, the fellas around here would be more than happy to help.
