200mg DBOL ED

mranak said:
I'm stating my perspective based on that facts that I have, some of which are from ppl that used the drug.

Everything is moderation my ass. Certain things are best left alone.
I have to back mranak on this one...methyltrienolone just isn't a practical compound to use when we have so many other better options.

As for the dbol: I've used 100mg/day several times but have settled on 75mg/day as my desired sides:benefit ratio.
Dbol is my personal favorite but 200mgs/day is insane. 30 for 10 weeks + 500/week Prop + 400/week NPP will be the best experience of your life. Being on that is like perpetually fucking the girl of your choice for 10 weeks.
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Back in the Pumping Iron/Arnold days, many people were taking 100-200 mg a day. The tabs came in 25mg dosages back then, so they only had to take a few a day to hit those dosages.

I personally think such a dosage is not as harmful as many might say it is. Having said that, my suggestion is that you would be much better off taking something in the 40-50mg ED range and stacking with test.
hal said:
Back in the Pumping Iron/Arnold days, many people were taking 100-200 mg a day. The tabs came in 25mg dosages back then, so they only had to take a few a day to hit those dosages.

I personally think such a dosage is not as harmful as many might say it is. Having said that, my suggestion is that you would be much better off taking something in the 40-50mg ED range and stacking with test.

Where is your information coming from?
what do you guys think is the tbol equivilent to 50 mg of dbol? this might sound stupid but some of you know what i mean. I remember doc j, you said u noticed dimishing returns at 75 a day.
The gym Arnie trained at was Wags in Essex or London.
I can't recall the names of any programs unfortunately but i know one was on the E! channel.
Its not because Arnie says by the way that I don't find it hard to believe he took 5mg, it's because I have seen just how much doses have ramped up in the past 7 years which anyone who was using these forums back then will attest to. 30mg a day of dbol was the upper limit and that was just 7 years ago. Nowadays, that kind of dose is nothing with people taking 75mg daily on a regular basis. Thats an increase of 2.5 times in just 7 years. Arnie was popping pills over 40 years ago.
Whether or not Arnie did take 5mg is besides the point really. The point i was trying to make is that given that 7 years ago people where generally taking around 30mg a day and doing fine, I don't see that their is any need now to be doing 200mg a day. I mean , dbol hasn't changed in that time.
dbol i realize that how much arnie took is besides your point, just outa convo thou.... i have heard people on here say that he was quoted as saying he took a hand full of dbols a day.

i doubt he took huge amounts cause they never looked bloated and who knows if u can even take 200mg with out an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which probly didnt exist then.

i am curious to what they took back then even thou i will probly never know. I do however realize that non steroid users are gonna peratuate the rumors that it was huge huge amounts because every one here knows thats what they have to say about body builders because they dont understand the hard work so they focus soley on the juice and then the other side of it is gonna be body builers saying they took very little back then and it was all hard work, some where in between is the truth.

it would be very interesting to know, not only pros from back then but honeslty what pros use now.
dbol i realize that how much arnie took is besides your point, just outa convo thou.... i have heard people on here say that he was quoted as saying he took a hand full of dbols a day.

i doubt he took huge amounts cause they never looked bloated and who knows if u can even take 200mg with out an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which probly didnt exist then.

i am curious to what they took back then even thou i will probly never know. I do however realize that non steroid users are gonna perpetuate the rumors that it was huge huge amounts because every one here knows thats what they have to say about body builders because they dont understand the hard work so they focus soley on the juice, and then the other side of it is gonna be body builers saying they took very little back then and it was all hard work, some where in between is the truth.

it would be very interesting to know, not only pros from back then but what pros honeslty use now.
dbol said:
The gym Arnie trained at was Wags in Essex or London.
I can't recall the names of any programs unfortunately but i know one was on the E! channel.
Its not because Arnie says by the way that I don't find it hard to believe he took 5mg, it's because I have seen just how much doses have ramped up in the past 7 years which anyone who was using these forums back then will attest to. 30mg a day of dbol was the upper limit and that was just 7 years ago. Nowadays, that kind of dose is nothing with people taking 75mg daily on a regular basis. Thats an increase of 2.5 times in just 7 years. Arnie was popping pills over 40 years ago.
Whether or not Arnie did take 5mg is besides the point really. The point i was trying to make is that given that 7 years ago people where generally taking around 30mg a day and doing fine, I don't see that their is any need now to be doing 200mg a day. I mean , dbol hasn't changed in that time.

You really need to move past the whole "30 mg dbol 7 years ago" premise.
simpllyhuge said:
what do you guys think is the tbol equivilent to 50 mg of dbol? this might sound stupid but some of you know what i mean. I remember doc j, you said u noticed dimishing returns at 75 a day.
Correct, noticed the same thing with tbol, anthing over 75mg/day didn't seem to increase effectiveness without increasing side effects (in my case BP) at a higher rate.
well im worried about hair loss lol so i guess ill have a test base of 300-500 because ill probly be having sex with my new girl by the summer and i need to enjoy that, shes a virgin so its gonna take me time cause shes mad relegious lol.

Then on top of 300-500 of test, ill add in 75 mg of tbol for 2 weeks and then drop it down to 50 for 4 more weeks.

now you think i if i wanted a crazy sex drive i should add a littler more test or should i go with a little EQ because maybe the test is unnecasary especially since when i loose hair it deepl deeply depresses me.?

i was thinking of adding casaber for my sex drive even thou nothing im runnning is 19 nor.

sorry to hijack the thread doc j, i just wanted your and others oppinion once i got started talking about my next cycle lol.
Definately don't add more test. Test can be harsh on your hairline. 500 is probably too much if you are sensitive. I'd go with a 200-300mg base and use EQ or Deca at 400-500mg a week. Although if your planning on using your dick then use the EQ instead of the Deca. This is the wrong place for this post though.
simpllyhuge said:
i should add a littler more test or should i go with a little EQ because maybe the test is unnecasary especially since when i loose hair it deepl deeply depresses me.?
Why not use some cialis as a temp fix? or maybe brew up some test suspension and use 50mg/day or so fri-sun (to ensure weekend fun :)
I have no idea if the test susp idea would work, it just came to me now.
ha hate me lol. yeah well i think she is but that doesnt mean shit any way cause she could have blown half of brooklyn for all i know lol.

thanks stone cold. I dunno, maybe ill just run low test and tbol, i bet i can get the same gains. Im off right now, havent felt a crash yet but its only been a few days and plus im still running hcg.

sorry for hijacking the thread, adderal makes me ramble.
Wow this thread is almost as out of control as the dose in question... 200mg of Dbol though?? Yeah... Let me know how your chest is feeling in a couple of days.. Because depending on how you seperate that dose throughout the day you could be having some major heart palpatations...

Try taking 50mg in one sitting and see how that makes you feel.. If you're anything like my workout partner you'll regret it .. 200mg is INSANE...
I have used around 70mg-100mg of dbol for short periods. The worst side is no dick. I put the dbol to the side and I use anadrol-100mg ED 100mg tren ed and 100mg test prop ed. I actually feel very good besides the intense sweating lol

I think there would be a threshold at some point of taking high doses of dbol.
I don't have anything to back this but I would bet that there is no difference in 150mg dbol ed and 200mg dbol ed. It probably passes through the liver unprocessed and out to the urine.

Arnold could have taken handfuls of dbol ed since there are dosages as low as 5mg.