20y old no libido blood work


New member
I need help I'm facing ED problems I don't wake up with morning wood. I'll tell my story short.

I was vegan for 3 years and smoked a lot of pot too. Decided to lift weight and used creatine, proteins etc. Since then I started to have less sex drive and started to wake up without morning wood I will post here my recents labs. 2 months after serms.

T4 - 1.1 (min 0.8 - max 1.7)

TSH - 3.5 (min 0.45 - max 4.5) I don't know why increased I had an exam that was 2.2

Antibodies - ATP - Negative

Total Testosterone - 862

Free Testosterone - 789

SHBG 26 (increased I don't know why)

Prolactin 10 - (until 20) In another exam I had 6.80 I don't know why increased

Estradiol 30

LH is high too. Please what should I do to get my sex life back? I don't want to live on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I wanna restart and get my life back to normal
I don't need clomid or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) my test is high I don't know if I should see my progesterone levels. I need help and doctors don't help that much a lot of them don't know even how to solve any problem
Well id say ur problem is that u are cycling at a young age. You are putting ur HPTA thru a lot of stress and that's not.a good thing to.do.when it's still developing, wait a few more years..
Well one.in the hell would u take.clomid when u have normal test levels at the age of 20.. when ur young ur test levels are at an all time high.. that was an idiotic move.. u need a specialist... ur hpta is shot.. get it.fixed now before u get long term health risks.. you shouldnt use nthn until research
Being a vegan and smoking pot won't help eather. At most Vegetarian. You need solid beef protien and chicken and fish ETC.....
Atleast eat turkey n eggs.. maybe fish too.. vegans are never successful at building muscle.. need natural.protein from meats