21 - Low T/LH - Can't find help!


New member
I posted this in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section but traffic there seems very slow, I apologize in advance for the double post.

Pretty much I've been shut down HARD for over 18 months now. It all started during my contest prep last year where I was going a heap of cardio and eating very low fat, so since August 2011 my test levels have been totally shot. I did this prep completely naturally, so there is no steroid induced issues here. I've tried everything under the sun that could possibly help but to no avail (even to the point of increasing my fats to well above a normally recommended level and switching to 40% from saturated sources i.e. coconut oil). My girlfriend who is a naturopath and owns a health food shop has given me many things as well that are supposed to help but nothing has. If you can name any supplement aimed at raising T, I guarantee I've tried it.

I've had 5 blood tests done now and each time they've come back horrible. On my latest 2 tests that were done in October this year, these were my numbers...

Free T - 1.7
Total T - 118
LH - 0.7

I can't remember FSH but I know it was within range. I had a full blood count and complete hormone panel done and everything was fine except for my test and LH.

I'm kind of at a crossroads with where to go now... I feel like crap and have no energy or libido and haven't slept more than 3-4hrs a night in 18 months now. All the doctors and health clinics I've been to have refused treatment because I'm only 21, and because I work out. Even trying to get a referral to an endo has been near impossible.

If there's anything someone can do or anyone you know of that I could talk to who can put me on the right path I'd greatly appreciate it. Ideally I don't want to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) until I have exhausted all options, so I'm hoping I can find someone that can attempt Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy for a HPTA restart. I'm from Canberra, Australia and I honestly cannot find anyone to help.