22 years old and new


New member
Hey, I am 22 and new to the forums and new to working out in general. I wasn't extremely fat before but I have lost about 20 lbs this year. I now weigh 140 lbs and I'm 5'11. I enjoy working out and feel like I am gaining pretty good muscle mass but it's not happening quickly. I don't know exactly what I am doing either. I want to gain muscle quickly. Thanks, Matt.
ur 5'11 and 140 lbs.. my 5'4 gf is 20lbs lighter then you.. you cant add weight naturally and keep it on what makes you think you can do it with steroids?? your diet is not there.. you will gain 15lbs of water weight and lose it all at the end.. why? because you dont know how to eat to maintain..

you need a nutritionist.. you need someone to teach you how to eat to gain and KEEP what you gain

if your interested email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com