Good morning. I have a few questions on cycling and was hoping to get some help.
25 years old, 144 lbs currently. Iv been working out on/off for the past few years, had hernia surgery about year and a half and just starting to get back into the routine again. I am not very big at all. Which is why I'm here. I feel like no matter how much I work out, I don't see any size difference over time, probably because Im not eating enough. I am using my fitness pal to help me achieve 3,200 calories per day as my goal right now. Im hoping to get up to 160 or so at least.
Im working out about 3-4 times per week. No cardio.
Friends of mine recommended me to start a cycle of test and deca or test/Anavar.
My question, will the test give me the strength and drive I need as soon as I start taking it? I don't have YEARS experience in the gym, hence my size... so Im wondering if its ok if I start taking it right away. I have several friends who are on its they are nice size and they seem to know what they're doing but I feel comfortable coming here.
One told me to go to the male clinic here in town to get my blood work and get test from.
All help is appreciated
Thanks in advanced.
- B
25 years old, 144 lbs currently. Iv been working out on/off for the past few years, had hernia surgery about year and a half and just starting to get back into the routine again. I am not very big at all. Which is why I'm here. I feel like no matter how much I work out, I don't see any size difference over time, probably because Im not eating enough. I am using my fitness pal to help me achieve 3,200 calories per day as my goal right now. Im hoping to get up to 160 or so at least.
Im working out about 3-4 times per week. No cardio.
Friends of mine recommended me to start a cycle of test and deca or test/Anavar.
My question, will the test give me the strength and drive I need as soon as I start taking it? I don't have YEARS experience in the gym, hence my size... so Im wondering if its ok if I start taking it right away. I have several friends who are on its they are nice size and they seem to know what they're doing but I feel comfortable coming here.
One told me to go to the male clinic here in town to get my blood work and get test from.
All help is appreciated
Thanks in advanced.
- B