250mg/ml PIP ! u guys seen this before ?


New member
Honest there is one lab where i consistently get pip from this dosage. Im taking 500mg 2x per week = 1G . but every injection , my leg feels knotted and i get pip for like 4 days+. injected quad wednsday , still feel a tight bruisey knot under there . Its not for the pain or pip i care . This is gonna start effecting my workout now . Last time i tried training when i felt this it felt like a tear in my leg , or like i was gonna hurt myself . What to do and why ?
Honest there is one lab where i consistently get pip from this dosage. Im taking 500mg 2x per week = 1G . but every injection , my leg feels knotted and i get pip for like 4 days+. injected quad wednsday , still feel a tight bruisey knot under there . Its not for the pain or pip i care . This is gonna start effecting my workout now . Last time i tried training when i felt this it felt like a tear in my leg , or like i was gonna hurt myself . What to do and why ?

If it's just the dosage that hurts, simple answer is to stop taking large pins. Break it down to M-W-F pins or EOD pins to make the volume more manageable for you. All that really matters is how much you're getting in a week, so how many times you pin is irrelevant. That, or stop using a lab that causes you PIP. :p

My .02c :)
YAh thinking its something in the solutions for sure . Never happened with other labs . Ive taken single pins with 800mg before with no problems . not even slight pip .
I massage roughly with my knuckles immediately post pin, and then take a warm shower if I pin in the evening, which I try to do.
Then I put a heating pad on for 10 or so minutes at bed time. I don't typically get PIP, but the few bottles that gave it to me, this helped tremendously.
you specified it was quads. How does the gear pin in other muscle groups?

It would be that your quad pinning isn't the best...or you're having a reaction in that body part. It's more definitive if your body is experiencing pain in quads, glutes, delts, pecs etc