250mg Test + 250mg Deca VS. 500mg Test


Most people would recommend 500mg of test for a first cycle and most can make great gains for years using just that for each cycle.


If someone was to propose a cycle of 250mg test and 250mg of deca which equals the same overall mg's of anabolic compounds.....(typically) they would be told that the cycle is inferior or too low dosed to make any real gains.

We know deca is slightly more anabolic than test, so would 250mg test and 250mg deca not be superior to just 500mg of test alone?

Hoping someone might have some literature on this or at least an experienced opinion.

The problem with Deca or other AAS that have long half lives like EQ is that the half life is not taken into account and pct is started too soon. The Pct is entirely ineffective because blood hormone levels have not decreased enough to where the body can respond and start producing natural test again.. Using these PED's is not for a first cycle unless that person is planning on running a 20 week first cycle. which none of us would recommend.It is a very bad idea.

If on the other hand npp or masteron were used, I could see some benefits. I think test only is a very good idea, but these 2 would have definite advantages over test only in some circumstances.

Good question brother and I have raised the same question myself before as far as a test only cycle is concerned. Long esters are out though imho.
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