25mg ephedrine


Fart Knocker
Ephedra & Heart Problems | LIVESTRONG.COM

Basically how much and how long can we run an EC stack? Kinda scary I have been using the EC stack and when my heart starts to pump it does scare me now. Been looking at left ventricular hypertrophy seems like a heart attack waiting to happen (literally) body building using aas and ec thats just bad d...d any thoughts fellas?
I like the ECA ( Ephedra, Caffine and Asprin). Asprin also thins your blood, easier for your heart to pump it.
using ephedrine a few times wont fuck your heart up. meth will. but this is why u have to make a calculated risk. do go to the DR and get a FULL workup with blood work, EKG, check bp ETC, before using any AAS , but even more so with ephedrine, clen ETC. the shit is dangerous, but it your responsibility to do it right when taking stuff. you'll be ok, u should be worried when having symptoms while off the ephe.
well i only take 1 25mg tab with caffeine daily but I have been doing that for like 4 months. Untill recently I kinda got a small ache or like a palpation i guess out of it ever since ive noticed just weird feelings. I'm going to stop using ephedrine. Hope it fixes the issue
realistcly i think its from resting the laptop on my chest when im laying in bed and typing lol just being super paranoid cause i felt a weird like vibration in my chest (maybe a pec muscle idk) but it was in the center and more towards the left so it did raise an eye brow. it raised an eye brow cause its the second time ive felt it. :/ fuck i knew ec was bad
well bro, there is no question about it, that the ephedrine gave you that palpitation... it does increase heart rate & blood pressure. so when taking it you should keep an eye oon that... the vibration was probably just a muscle twitch. i too took ephedrine for a very long time when i was younger like 17 for months at a time. i would get light headed (elevated Bp) and really bad cramps because i didnt take it with taurine and other suppps.
bro, you can always treat ephedrine like Clen and just run it for 2 wks on, 2 wks off. and use a modest dose start out @12.5 & max 25 mg...
^^^what zephyr said.. But in regards to the dose, personally i would go much higher. I use ephidrene only on specific days. Thats when i workout my shoulders, triceps and biceps. It gives me a big boost to push and pull more weights. It helps me get rid of water too but that doesnt last long. Also it suppresses my appetite which is good and bad. I just hate the chemical taste of ephidrene and feeling dehydrated on it. For some reason if I use it everyday, it seems to stop working. Then I have to stay off it for a few weeks for it to start kicking in again like its supposed to.....
ya it does have a funky taste to it haha... it dehydrate you if you use it everyday. i remember getting some nasty cramps while on. only later did i find out to supplement taurine and other stuff with it.