26 and only 115lbs!

Just eat, every hour and don't stop. Suck down bottles of olive oil, eat jars of peanut butter, down oats and protein powder. Eat steaks... just eat. 5"10' and 115lbs you shouldn't even consider AAS, your problem is obviously your diet.

Honestly, and I don't mean to scare you, but you should get blood work done to see if there is something seriously wrong with you.

I had blood work done for thyroid and I am fine. I been eating like this my whole life (eating like once a day), I just need to stretch my stomach. I also need stop living off of Taco bell and Wendy's, which makes up 75% of my diet. The other 25% is Beef and Chicken (I don't eat fish).
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I had blood work done for thyroid and I am fine. I been eating like this my whole life (eating like once a day), I just need to stretch my stomach. I also need stop living off of Taco bell and Wendy's, which makes up 75% of my diet. The other 25% is Beef and Chicken (I don't eat fish).

I'd get it done again and seek a second opinion.

From the sound of it, this boils down to you not eating properly. It may be time to start discovering the art of cooking (seriously). Anyone who has been in this sport a while and has had success are not amature cooks.
bro all you need is one of my basic packages... 5 weeks coaching to teach you the ropes and you can add 1lb a week for the next 20 weeks easy
bro all you need is one of my basic packages... 5 weeks coaching to teach you the ropes and you can add 1lb a week for the next 20 weeks easy

Once I got the money for your service, I will e-mail you. Being able to put on weight and keep it would be a life changing thing for me. Sucks looking super skinny.
I tend to think that a guy like you should eat 3-4 large meals a day as opposed to eating 5-6 smaller meals. Eating smaller meals spread thru the day will keep your metabolism running and you really don't need that. Once you start paying attention, you should be able to find calorie dense foods pretty easily. Also don't try to eat to clean, you are trying to add weight and while you want quality weight you probably aren't going to be someone who gains fat.

i have to disagree with this. yes smaller more frequent meals will raise your metabolism, or so we're told, but that's the thing. you said smaller more frequent meals. eat larger more frequent meals! let's say he needs 3000 calories a day. break that down into 3 meals, that's 1000 calories per meal! more than your body can really do with at one time, productively that is. and now you're going 5 or 6 hours in between meals. now imagine 500 cals per meal 6 times a day. every 3 hours. your body is CONSTANTLY being fed nutrients. this is good. and yes he can afford to cheat, but why build bad habits now? and as long as he's getting his required cals and nutrients, isn't cleaner better? yes. now let's look at his workouts. he doesn't lift heavy now, i can tell you that. he is seriously lacking any muscle mass. i'm 5'10 and when i was 145 i thought i was extremely skinny. i can only imagine 115. he needs to stick with just 2 days. yes you heard me right, 2 days per week of heavy compound movements. upperbody day, leg day. hit some form of rows, preferrably bent over rows, as heavy as possible for 4-6 reps. maybe start with 3 sets. the 5x5 program would be great for him though, modified for his needs. squat, no leg presses, no accessory work, maybe some calve raises. bench press only for chest and tris, stick with just flat bench. pullups, and deads as well. he WILL grow. once he starts packing on some mass he can work with, say around 135, do a 3 day split. throw in a couple more big exercises, still stay away from isolation movements. let's say throw in dips, leg press or hip squats, incline bench for 3 sets, start adding some weight to the pullups when he can do 15-20 for one set. and most importantly, stay motivated! you will grow buddy, there's 6 billion of us and you're not special.
Great advice in here for you Bro

Do everything user said print that out and hang it by your bed look at it everyday

Something that helped me when I first started was using shakes to slowly get used to more meals
So I'm trying to gain weight and need to get another meal in or a bigger meal
So I start adding in a mass shake that I make myself oats protein and a fat of some kind and put that in for a week or two then switch it out for chicken and rice or etc. That way the shake was there and now it changed to whole food. So now I come to a standstill and guess what i do again?
Hey liljone, I'm sorry to hear of your problem. You really need to get yourself into good health before running any type of cycle. I have a friend that is about 4 inches shorter than you and weighs about 110 on a good day. He literally looks like a walking skeleton. He also has a boat load of medical problems that has caused his situation. You need to take care of your medical problems first. As does my friend.
Cool it on the drug talk guys the last thing we need is someone searching those keywords and finding them in our forum. There is already enough of a bad stereotype with the use of gear

i used to be in your exact situation 6 years ago, i was 21 and 113 lbs, i have very small bones, and you probably do too, i have thought about steroids at your weight too, but they would have added on 20 temporary pounds (best case scenario) I would have lost everything and fucked everything up. I am now 27 and I weigh 210lbs. I have been training like crazy for 6 years without a drop of gear, and I got up to 190 lbs, but I looked bloated because I would eat so much.

Then I lowered my carb intake, and cut it down to a nice looking 175 to 180 lbs.

Then I got frustrated by not making any new gains, and after 6 years of hard training and eating like a horse I started gear and now it makes A LOT more sense as my gains have been incredible!

Just eat, and don't stop, get stronger, lift heavy, it really doesn't matter what you eat at that size at least it didn't for me. Just try and stay away from junk and alcohol.

Don't compare yourself with others, that helped me a lot, you just need to realize that you are not at the same point.

When/If the time comes for you, please have the maturity to man up to needles or just do not start anything, i see many guys around in my gym that fear needles do only oral cycles gain temporary strength and size, come off lose motivation and end up at square 1, you are just going to be doing so much damage to your body for no gain at all. Also many guys whine like bitches about IM pain, but I swear to you, if you know what you are doing, it isn't that bad at all.

Please consider these things before starting any cycles at all, at that size you will not gain anything with steroids, I know sometimes that patience is not an easy thing but in the end it pays off.

Don't give up man, there is hope for skinny guys too. You just need to really want it it took me almost a decade to gain 100lbs.

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im on the same boat...am 26 and been skinny my whole life. im 6'2" and 150-155 lbs which is far under the average weight i should be at with my height. my whole life i can put down SOOOO much food and eat whatever and literally burn it off as im chewing (at least it seems that way) last year i went on a natural kick as some friends started their first cycles. i drank high protein high calorie weight gainer shakes of 1000 cal per drink and drank them twice a day along with a 3 big meals a day at least a total of 5000 calories every day. i never do any cardio as a matter of fact my gf wants to go for walk and i say no cause ill lose weight haha but i do work a pretty physical job...either way i gained maybe 5 lbs in 3 months of working out 5 times a week and eating/drinking all that shit....hit a plateau and wouldnt gain anything else nor able to put up more weight.

after some thoughts im thinking i could have a thyroid problem but the only symptoms of that would be my etremely fast metabolism...anyways i gave in and went to a friend for some gear and kept with the same eating and workout habbits put on 26 lbs kept about 20 of it even after cycle BUT then was in a bad motorcycle accident which left me not working out or eating right till this day lost EVERYTHING! im back at square one and trying to build motivation to get back in the swing of things while my friends are on cycle 3 and HUGE!
This thread is like beating a dead horse...lol

1. Plan - Plan out 6 meals that add up to whatever say 3500 cals (made that number up)

2. Eat - Eat every 2-3 hrs. When your full and don't want to eat, eat anyways. When you gag and throw up a little. Swallow it back down and eat more. After 3 - 5 days your stomach will stretch and it won't be bad at all.

3. Train - Train hard but make sure you get rest also. Rest = Rebuliding = Growth

4. Consistency - Rome wasn't built in a day

And thats the foundation. If you don't want to look like everyone else, then don't eat like everyone else
Now you're going to hear an (apparently) heretic opinion. What you need is exactly a healthy dose of AAS. Don't be surprised that most people don't get it. It is a bit of a vicious cycle- you are not a big eater, your genes are such that you may very well stay 120 lbs for the rest of your life if you don't do anything. You stay skinny and become/stay a little depressed and feel even less like eating. "Eat and eat and eat" is a nice concept in theory but it's not like you never thought of it. It probably works for the average person but it doesn't for you. An AAS or PH is probably what is going to break this cycle and you may feel reborn afterwards. Your appetite will likely improve too.
I may and will probably get flamed but remember all you hear here is opinions- there is very little empirical science and close to zero evidence-based science to these theories. Take this from a physician and a scholar with a very solid scientific base. I say go for it for at least a short trial!
The money you spend on tacobell and wendys ,You can get more food at the store and buy groceries.

Stop smoking weed and save money there too..lifts weighs for awhile...weed is NOT addictive.

Make your own meals.Learn how to shop and find better groceries deals..Right now I can get 5 dozens of large AA eggs for $6.99

I would like you to keep Eating at Wendys..you're helping my Stock go up.hehe

Got in at $4.20

It's suppose to turn around ...they got rid of Arby's...The money pit and now it's all Wendy's.

Now they are going to rebuilt it's name overseas.And make more revenues and cash.