26 y/o Female - Post EQ/Anavar cycle sides, help!


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I'm a 26 year old female, decided to try out an EQ/Anavar cycle for my second cycle. Had only done Winstrol previously to cut. My boyfriend who has done numerous cycles suggested that I try EQ to boost my muscle gain since I had hit a plateau. I decided to try it in conjunction with Anavar and saw incredible results. Especially in my shoulders and booty. I did 20mg of Anavar per day, and 1cc of EQ twice a week, for 6 weeks (pharma grade stuff). I figured this would be a safe cycle. I didn't start noticing sides till the very end. I know EQ has a long ester, but it's been about 5 weeks post cycle and my skin is still terribly broken out, and my voice is cracked. Have any other females experienced this? Wondering how long it will take for my skin to clear up. Hoping my voice returns to normal, but I know there's a good chance it won't. Wah.
I'm not a female, but I've worked with many women on cycle :)

For your first cycle of EQ you should generally stay within 50-100mg per day (or 125-350mg 2x week).
Your symptoms are classic signs of virilization caused by dosing the EQ far too high.

It usually takes around 1-2 months for everything to return to normal IF you taper off the dose to end the cycle.
I would go and get some bloodwork done straight away to confirm your HPGA is shutdown (you want to have your FSH, LH, progesterone and E2 levels seen).
You really don't want to wait too long to treat any virilization symptoms.
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