27 yrs old never used AAS, what do you think?

Hey all, those pics I had up were actually from maybe 6-8 months ago, took a few new ones today to show where im actually at right now. Not that its all that different but I may be a little bigger plus have a little higher bf% (which is intentional since I wanna gain weight and its hard to gain at very low bf)
Thanks for all the feedback guys I appreciate it. Revamped my diet, calculated TDEE at 3100-3400 cal/day and upped diet to around 4400 cal/day, 33/33/33 split prot/carb/fat calories. 16 days in and scale weight is up 5 lbs, I know its early to say anything definite but it always feels good to see that bodyweight go up.

Im trying hard to be a listener around here, reading some of these posts by people who have no idea what they're doing and who also don't listen is frustrating. Its borderline ridiculous actually. And I care about my overall and longterm health enough to pay attention. Next move for me is to get my test levels checked to see where im at naturally.

This forum is a great source of info even if you may never use AAS. Its always better to have more knowledge and info on your side.
I know what im doing. At 27 your weight tells me you dont eat enough!!
ridiculous is pictures of skinny guys with a sixpack.:brownnose
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