2nd cycle: good or bad????

god damn, listen to lawnsaver, thats way too much gear. Why do you think you need that much?
for your second cycle, all you need is 500mg a week test and MAYBE 75 mg tren EOD.

what did your first cycle look like, how long ago was it?
Even if it was heavy, wait about 4-5 monthes and use just half a gram of test a week and you will grow just fine.
btw- dont believe anyone that tells you that you need a gram of gear a week to grow(at your weight/experiance)

2nd cycle, half a gram AT MOST. Work hard, eat hard, and sleep hard and you will put on PLENTY of muscle on 500mg test a day.
especially at only 200 at 5'10''
my first cycle was 600mgs test enanthate per week for 12 weeks and i did 30mgs dbol per day for the first 4 weeks then i finished with 50mgs per day of winny