2nd Cycle need More Info... Help please


New member
My first cycle was just test enanthate at 600mg p/w but it didnt feel enough, I genuinely didn't feel alot but saw an increase in size...

This time round I have a friend who has told me to try the stuff hes on which he gets great gains from...

Sust 250

From what I have read it goes something like this...

Sust 250, 1ml twice a week (Tuesday & Thursday)
Anadrol Tablet Once a day
Nova pretty much straight away to prevent everything bad
HCG during & after?

What are your views on what I should do, any questions please post here I will answer + edit my post!

Thanks (P.S. I haven't purchased the gear yet)
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You really should read the stickys my friend. Nolvadex is not to be used during cycle and hcg should be used during and up to a few days before you start your nolvadex
My first cycle was...

1-10 weeks test enanthate 600mg p/w
2-11 adex, half a tab every other day and then a whole tab every other day after 5 weeks
Clomid 2 weeks after my last jab... 50mg tabs every day

But it wasnt strong enough. What would you guys suggest for my next cycle?
the cycle on my first post was what my friend does, so hes obviously wrong by what the forums have been saying