2nd cycle of clomid


hello guys ,

so i used clomid for the first time in november last year for 6 months @ 25 mg EOD to try and revive my hpta . So my TT went up and stayed in a good range while i was on it then after 6 months i stopped and waited for 2 months then i got my blood work again and my TT came out to be 350 and E2 was 40 and i was not feeling too good at tht level.

So in july i started clomid again but this time i took 50 mgs ED as compared to last time 25 mg EOD

after 8 days of 50 mg clomid ED my TT went up to 649 and E2 was 53

after another 5 days i got another blood work done then my TT came 526 and E2 was 59

after this i added 20mgs of nolvadex ED and approx. 0.25 mg of arimidex every 3 days . and i continued my clomid same as before so i got my test done again i.e after 23 days of my last blood work my TT came 811 and my e2 came 44 .

and after continuing the same protocol for almost as month i got my blood work done today .. My TT came out 1226 and my E2 came out 104

So i wanted to ask you guys that is it ok to continue this dosage ? If yes then for how long should i continue it .

Also Can my HPTA get dependant on Clomid and when i stop taking it can my TT go down even more than what it was before starting clomid? Anything else you guys want to add that i might have skipped .

Thanks to all of you .Have a great day !