2nd cycle of test cyp+eq...please critique!!


New member
I'm planning my 2nd cycle. My first cycle I ran from July - Sep 08.
10 weeks of Sustanon 250/ 500mg/week. I had decent gains of 20lbs or so and kept around 8lbs since.

I'm considering
Test Cyp @ 500mg/weeks 1- 12
stacked with
Equipoise @ 500mg/weeks 1-12

nolva on hand in case of gyno

and clomid weeks 15-17 starting at 300mg/day on day 1 then down to 100mg/day for next week then down to 50mg/day for total of 21days.

Is 1000 total mgs/week too much for a second cycle???

I'm 195lbs, 10%bf and 34y/o with 10yrs plus training experience
IMO 1000mg is a little too high you could still grow off 500mg per week no need to up it that much but I would run the eq atleast 400 and test maybe 300
honestly, i dont think it is too much. with your age, weight and experience, its cool. stang is right in saying that you would still gain off of less but i dont think it is high. eq/test is a smooth cycle, itll be great.
EQ has a longer half-life than test, should run the test for an additional 2weeks after stopping EQ, so either cut back two weeks on the eq or extend the test.
I'm running the same cycle myself, starting in March... Can't wait!

1-14 500mg Test E
1-14 500mg EQ
15-17 200mg prop E3D
4-17 HCG 250iu 2X wk
18-22 PCT Nolva
A-dex @ .25mgs e3d if needed
EQ has a longer half-life than test, should run the test for an additional 2weeks after stopping EQ, so either cut back two weeks on the eq or extend the test.


Active Life: 14-16 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection)
Average Dose: Men 400-600 mg/week......Women 50-150 mg/week
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Low
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: No
Aromatization: Some, about 50% less than testosterone
DHT Conversion: Low
Decrease HPTA function: Moderate

Active Life: Approx. 21 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection)
Average Dose: 250-1000 mg/week (males only)
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: Yes
High Blood Pressure: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: Yes
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, severe

Test E/C
Active Life: 15-16 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection)
Average Dose: Men 250-1000 mg/week
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: Yes, high
High Blood Pressure: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low, except in mega dosages
Aromatization:Yes, high
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, severe
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EQ has a longer half-life than test, should run the test for an additional 2weeks after stopping EQ, so either cut back two weeks on the eq or extend the test.

you sure about eq being longer? i would run test a little longer only because i know what eq does with my sex drive lol