2nd Cycle - Recomp / Cut on Halodrol / Trenavar / S4 / LGD

Just got up to speed on the whole cycle. Missed half of the damn thing but looks like I'm jumping in at the good part lol. Been keeping busy here in Afghanistan with no internet for a while but I should be able to follow the rest of this cycle . Sounds like the good stuff is just now kicking in and I feel you on the lower weight shit and mixing up your training it's good to mix it up a bit and get that muscle confusion it's like they don't know how to handle this new punishment and get destroyed lol. Anyways bro keep them GAINZ coming I'll be checking in.
Really makes me think about how I train. Maybe I don't need to use a heck of a lot of weight at all?!

I'm not as big of a fan of "muscle confusion" as some; but once in a while I'm sure there are benefits. I see huge muscular guys who swing weights around with horrible form. But who is going to tell them they are lifting wrong? Because they are bigger than most.

I've never tried it while on a PH (for fear of muscle tears or hurt ligaments), but every once in a while I will lift like a power lifter for a couple weeks straight and that seems to help me more than lighter weights and better form. I'll keep my reps in the 2-3 range and take more time in between sets for rest. It's not easy though because you are lifting close to your 1 rep max on all lifts.

But you know what the real bottom line is no matter what "style" you use? "There is no replacement for intensity in the gym!" :)

Thanks for posting this log! It's going to help a lot when I chose my next PH cycle!
Thanks for checking in guys. I haven't updated this in a while due to travel and being sick.
Everything back to normal now.

Had some more great workouts in week 4 of PH fun.
This is week 5 and today is the first lifting day. I'll post up later what's new.

Here's my mass chart.
Last week I wasn't able to stick to my diet due to travel, but I kept the carbs low by only eating lobster, sashimi and steak. LOL
So I don't think I did a lot of damage ;)
Pretty clear though, that the PHs are doing something.
Strength is up, weight is up, BF is down.
Not super worried about what the scale is telling me, the mirror and the wife are telling me it's going ok. haha

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chest yesterday was killer. Really intense WO.

Back today was equally awesome. After deads, I was standing in a puddle of sweat. LOL

Seems to me, that 75 mg of Halo is virtually sides free.
I may just stick to this dose from now on. It-s so easy on me right now, I am contemplating running more than 6 weeks.
Anyone got experience with that? 7 or 8 weeks of Halo?
Shoulders - murdered.
Another great Halo-pump WO.
Forgot to use any PWO and still felt crazy intense.
Halfway through week 5.
Man, I'm gonna miss being on this stuff. I hate the fact that the cycle is almost over. LOL
Arms - done.
One of my favorite WO sessions ever.
My arms are so exhausted, it's just ridiculous.

Also, this morning was caliper fat pinch day and I'm down to 17% now :D
Yeah, I know, I'm still fat as fuck, but not long ago I was at 28%!
Life is good.

My LGD is gone, used it up last week.
Have a few drops of S4 left. Not sure if it will last all through next week.

Anyway, seriously considering running Halo for an additional week or two.
If i were you i would go another week bro. As long as you have all the supports, like you do. I don't think its gonna hurt your organs anymore then it already has. I think i should have went one more week but i took the Turnabol for two days instead. I think them last two days were insane. LOL. If i remember correct, at the end of your first cycle your body was feeling the PH pretty bad. If your not getting the Halo head aches, run another week. Did you put on 15lbs of beef with this second cycle? I know you were cutting before.
Well, I basically feel no sides right now (unlike on my first cycle).
And things are looking good.
I did a quick evaluation based on what you just asked me. I have gained no where near that much meat. LOL
But keep in mind, I am on a caloric deficit. A pretty serious one that is.
Here's a quick run down of where I was when I started this cycle and where I am right now:

200.0 lbs @ 22 BF - 44.0 lbs fat - 156.0 LBM
193.5 lbs @ 17 BF - 32.9 lbs fat - 160.6 LBM

That's a fat loss of 11.1 lbs and a LBM gain of 4.6 lbs right now.
I think that during the rest of the cycle the LBM will stay about the same but the fat will keep going down.
We'll see :)

Here's the chart:
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CHest day!
Strength further up, wicked WO.
Loving life.

No logging of Forma for me.
After telling me I was in, they let me wait around for almost 6 weeks, just to tell me: Nope, none for you.
Smooth move.

I think I'm done with the whole logging idea.
Money is not an issue for me and I hate the feeling of owing people anyway, so fuck that.
Back day yesterday was a major success.
Loving it.

Night time however was far from fun.
The last two nights in fact, I had a lot of trouble going to sleep.
I just couldn't turn the noggin off and fall asleep. I remember having similar issues during my first cycle, but way earlier.
Apparently 75 mg really is the sweet spot.

We'll see how the rest of the week goes, but if my nights keep sucking like they did this week, I'm done.
Guess your body tells you what to do and you just have to listen.
Also head a headache from hell this morning. Not sure if it's due to halo, or due to the whoopin 3 hours of sleep I got.
Either way, sucks.
Also head a headache from hell this morning. Not sure if it's due to halo, or due to the whoopin 3 hours of sleep I got.
Either way, sucks.

It's amazing what we will put ourselves through to achieve a goal we've set our eyes upon...
Jup. This year was pretty intense for me, no doubt.
I have never stuck to a routine the way I have the last 7 months.
Lifting 5 days a week, monitoring every aspect of my diet. Pretty darn exhausting.
Murdered shoulders today.

Checked my BP earlier today and much to my delight it wasn't bad at all!
140 over 70. Nice.
Nuts are smaller than natty, but not all shriveled.
No head ache (if I get enough sleep) lol.

Anyway, torn on whether or not I should go for another week... :/
K, so arm day this weekend was the bomb.
Still feeling like my tris are on fire. :)

So, today is the day to call the shot and I decided to call it quits.
I have basically no sides and made great progress. Why risk anything... There's always the next cycle.
So today is the last day on PH, after that I'll jump on clomid @ 40 mg. Curious to see what that does.
Nice to see the progress bro. Sucks to see you pull the plug. IMO you should run one more week if you aren't getting any sides. One more week isn't going to hurt any, only more gains. IMO the last week will be best for gains. 40mg of clomid is very low. Everyone says 100,100,50,50. Wait at least a week to ten days before you introduce the clomid too. Run N2 guard thru PCT to get you back on track. Any before / after pics of this run. no homo :rolleyes:
No pics.
I'm pretty easily identified on pics (even without the face lol), so no.

Run was good, I just feel like it's time to call it quits.
Can't wait for the next cycle though. should be fun!
Nice to see the progress bro. Sucks to see you pull the plug. IMO you should run one more week if you aren't getting any sides. One more week isn't going to hurt any, only more gains. IMO the last week will be best for gains. 40mg of clomid is very low. Everyone says 100,100,50,50. Wait at least a week to ten days before you introduce the clomid too. Run N2 guard thru PCT to get you back on track. Any before / after pics of this run. no homo :rolleyes:

Not sure if you've ever run clomid OS, but 100mg SUCKS IMO and going over 50 is something I'll never do again (actually will probably never run clomid again, but that's just me.... I know some prefer it over others but I'd rather run Torem and or Nolva). Also, you only wait a week when you're pinning, not when you're running oral only cycles.