Cycle Summary (Pre-PCT)
Ok, here it is. The cycle is over.
On the one hand, it's sad. I know that my "super powers" will last about 2 weeks into PCT before they vanish, so that part sucks.
On the other hand, I am looking forward to not getting random cramps and while I can't put my finger on what exactly doesn't sit right with me, somehow my body is telling me he had enough...
So, what do I think of the compounds used:
S4 - Looks like it does help with fat loss, but boy, those vision sides are a PITA! Don't need that again. Why bother with something that is annoying, when there are compounds that are virtually sides free?
LGD - Not sure if this one did anything to tell you th truth. I hold my judgement for when I run SS LGD at a higher dose during my bulk. No sides though...
Halo - Loved it in my first cycle, loving it even more so now. My first cycle was along the lines of [75 / 100 / 100 / 125 / 125 / 125] and at the time I thought it ran really smooth. I was super excited about the gains and the intensity of the WOs, but in retrospec, I had quite a few sides. About 3 weeks in my sleep quality sucked, I had severe back pumps and random cramps / pumps not just in my lower back not to mention horrendous joint pain. I'm talking don't know how to lay in bed and take pain killers to be able to sleep kind of bad.
This cycle? Nada. 75 mg all the way through with 4 g fish oil a day and joint support and there were hardly any sides to speak of.
Intensity in the gym was about the same as on 125 mg and I gained some lean mass while cutting. So it definitely did something.
Trenavar Might be my imagination, but it seemed that the intense WOs came in quicker than on my first cycle and I would like to believe that's the Tren's doing.
Ran 40 mg all the way through the PH portion of my cycle and had no issues. I think I need to up this to 60 next time to see what it does.
Sarms vs. PHs
Absolutely positively no contest. PHs own.
However, Sarms are still better than natty (everything is...) and are not liver toxic supposedly, so I think they are a nice addition to a cycle.
I would personally not run them AFTER PHs, but I think they are a great way to lead into PHs.
Like I said above, no more S4 for me, but I will definitely try LGD again at 10 mg instead of 5 for a bulk cycle.
I will keep updating this here and there as I go through PCT and post final numbers after.
Judging by my first cycle, I expect my weight to drop some over the next two weeks and then stabilize.
Either way, regardless of what the scale, the tape measure and the pincher say, my mirror and the reactions I get from people around me tell me things are good.
Plan for the future:
Line up a PH / Sarm bulk next. Most likely 10 weeks total, run it in the fall, as soon as my body had enough time to recover.
If I can do 3 cycles a year, I'll be in pretty decent shape soon I recon
Here's the final mass chart:
View attachment 558158
200.0 lbs @ 22 BF - 44.0 lbs fat - 156.0 LBM
193.1 lbs @ 17 BF - 32.8 lbs fat - 160.3 LBM
11.2 lbs fat loss (That's almost a lbs a week!!!!!!!)
3.7 lbm gain (I take any LBM gain on a cut
![Smile :) :)](
I expect this to go away after PCT though. Would be surprised if it stuck around)