2nd Cycle - Recomp / Cut on Halodrol / Trenavar / S4 / LGD

Day 53 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo

30th birthday

Wanted to go lift... but... well.

Day 54 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


Fuck yeah.
2.5 hours in the gym.
Pumps out of this world and strength slightly up. Super intense WO.
Can't wait for next week's arm day!

Happy burfday brotha!
Thanks guys!
Not getting any younger, so time to get back in shape :)

Day 55 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


Nothing drastic to report.
Feeling fine.

Sides wise, there isn't anything worth talking about going on right now.
My nuts feel a little smaller and the S4 is funky when it comes to brighness adjustment of my eyes (going from bright to dark), but that's it.

Weight wise, things are going pretty much as I predicted. A few posts back, before starting the PHs, I said that I wouldn't be surprised if my weight went up...
And it sure did. At the end of the day, it's important to remember, that a scale tells you nothing more, than how hard earth's core is pulling you down. :)

My BF is trending down, although the last two weeks there wasn't a lot of measureable progress with the 4 pt caliper method, the mirror is telling me it's going ok.
I contacted 3J and told him to down my cals some, we'll see what he comes back with.

Here's the current chart:
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Day 56 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


Holy - fuck.
The PHs are doing their thing now! For real.
You know, when I was running Sarms only, earlier this cycle, I was starting to second guess myself, wondering if I remebered Halo as a little too good.
Nope. Did not. Don't get me wrong, Sarms are better than natty, but they just can't hang with PHs. No way, no how.
If you follow this log, you know that I was pretty happy with my progress on S4 and LGD and that while I was eating very few cals, my strength was still going up.

Well, let me clarify that.
When I said my strength went up, I was talking 5-10 lbs for a particular set, or an extra rep or two.
Which - let's be honest - is awesome while cutting, but now, with the PHs getting into gear, strength is through the roof.
Example: Negative bench today. My routine is 15, 4, 6, 8, 20 reps. I upped my 15 reps weight - all good. I upped my 4 reps weight - did 8 clean reps. EIGHT!
Also, I used the same weight again to do 6 and got 8. Same again for 8, still managed eight. That may not sound like a lot, but that is a 25 lbs improvement over last week on the 8 rep set. Gotta make sure I stick to my rules and play it safe. Don't need an injury right now.

Can't wait for what the next 4 weeks are gonna hold.

Tvar and Hella both have given me gnarly strength gains, but haven't run them together (hella with stano, epi with tvar) but gonna run it on a back end of a cycle early next year. (probably going to work in SS LGD somehow too...)... I'm thinking your next 4 weeks are gonna be gnarly, yo. Keep smashin'....
Yeah, should be fun. I can only imagine how awesome a bulk must feel on this combo!
Already kicking ideas around for my next cycle.
Thinking LGD, leading into Halo / Tvar / M6 / derma / forma.
Day 57 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


YES! I have the hardest time wearing out my lats, but on Hella? Noooo problem.
Pumps were awesome, felt tense and tight. Loving it.
Day 57 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


The pumps keep coming. Last WO was incredible. And incredibly painful! haha
Strength up some, but not much. Shoulders isn't my strong day. Never has been.
But new PB in shrugs. LOL Not a lift anyone cares about, but a PB is a PB, I don't care :P
How is helladrol for cardio? I was going to start a cycle on Monday but I'm delaying it. I wanna play soccer this summer and I know most steroids will hurt your cardio. I will be taking the sarm GW for cardio also.
Couldn't tell you. I'm not big into cardio.
Tren has a reputation to be bad for cardio, never heard anything of that nature regarding Halo...
How is helladrol for cardio? I was going to start a cycle on Monday but I'm delaying it. I wanna play soccer this summer and I know most steroids will hurt your cardio. I will be taking the sarm GW for cardio also.


Its terrible. I am a big runner. Before cycle i could rip off 3 miles in about 27 minutes. On cycle i was getting crazy leg pumps and could barely do a mile. It was crazy. The pumps would not go away either so i had to stop. Stick to squats and other leg exercises to get GAINZ!!!
Day 57 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


The pumps keep coming. Last WO was incredible. And incredibly painful! haha
Strength up some, but not much. Shoulders isn't my strong day. Never has been.
But new PB in shrugs. LOL Not a lift anyone cares about, but a PB is a PB, I don't care :P

If you don't mind, what is your PB weight? I hit mine Saturday Shrugz with 365# for 6!!!
I do shrugs for 20 reps x 3, but for that exercise I used 235 last time.
Mind you, shrugs are the last exercise of shoulder day for me.

Day 62 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo

Things are good, loving the pumps and the intensity of the WOs.
Life is good :)

I'll be traveling for work this week, but I chose a hotel with a little gym, so i'll be able to do some stuff.
It's obviously all gonna be high reps, low weight stuff, but hey - better than nothing.
Day 63 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo

Nothing special to report

Day 64 - S4 / LGD / Tren / Halo


Chose the hotel for my business trip based on the gym LOL
This one has free weights, but of course they are... kinda lacking.
Only DBs, 40 lbs max.
Interestingly enough though, I was able to get a killer pump going and feel sore as hell today.
Focused on high reps, with 100% perfect form and as much intensity as possible.
Really makes me think about how I train. Maybe I don't need to use a heck of a lot of weight at all?!
WO was great, felt like I exhausted my pecs nicely. Really felt right. Hard to explain.

Also, met some co-workers that haven't seen me in 10 months and they all responded the same:
Everyone commented on my shape and told me that I got a lot leaner and a lot buffer.
Feels good, not gonna lie.

It's really easy to lose track of your progress because you see yourself in the mirror 5 times a day, so it's cool to see what others notice, without pushing it on them.

Also, I am seeing some veins on my shoulders now I never knew existed. LOL