2nd cycle suggestion !!!!!!!


New member
Last year, I did the first cycle followed by the guide of Nightmare007

The cycle was

Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg everyday 15 weeks
Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of your cycle leading up to your pct

Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

My test level before bloodwork was 370 and after was 450.

After a year, I'm thinking to do the 2nd cycle. This cycle I want to do bulking and keep my bf as low as possile. Is there any advise?

my stats:
28 yrs old , 5'5 140lb (used to be 150 but I tried to cut). Been working for 2 years

Much thanks for your help
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Well my goal is to gain more muscle mass and my target is 160lbs lean muscle. My first cycle wasn't pretty good. I gained to 155lbs but pretty much water weight. So this time I just want to get more lean and ripped
I dont understand. You want bulk but still keep bf% as low as possible. So you want to run a clean bulk right?

I also think you are a bit skinny. Maybe use diet/workout and build the foundation first?

Just my opinion.
Thanks for all advices!

My current bf now is 10%. because my high is just 5'5 so when I did dirty bulking I looked pretty sloppy. That's why I have done cutting recently.
To be honest, i have been lifting for couple years and have decent knowledge on diet/workout
I m 10 percent

Do what you did last time since you lived you through it but focus on food and rest more ?

It s not the drug s dude.
Like T said nutrition, training and rest are the most important factors. Most guys could run 500 mg ew test only for the first few cycles and make very nice gains as long as diet and training are spot on.