2nd cycle test cyp tren hex dbol for bulk


New member
Hey everyone, I've decided to keep a blog of my 2nd cycle. My first cycle was 12 weeks of anavar/test C and was very happy with the results. This time I will be using Test Cypionate at 2 cc's per week (1 cc every monday and thursday), 3 CC's of tren hex per week (1.5 cc's every monday and thursday) dbol at 50mg's every day, and proviron at 25mg's for the last two weeks. For post cycle therapy (pct) i will be using HCG, clomid and 1cc of b12 per week. I've definitely hit a plateau for strength and size, so my goal is to bulk and increase in strength. Wrestled all 4 years in highschool at 112 lbs, started lifting and worked up to 170 today. I love to power lift and westside barbell training has been my strength guide for the past year now. For the most part, my diet is clean. Stick to organic chicken, steak fish, veggies and clean carbs.

Stats (pre-cycle)
23 years old
14% body fat

My workout:

Monday- Chest Triceps
Tuesday- Biceps Upper Back
Wednesday- Active Rest Day (light cardio swim sauna stretch)
Thursday- Shoulders, lower back
Friday- Quads and core
Saturday- Glutes calves
Sunday- Active rest day

Constructive critiques, advice, and opinions on my cycle would be greatly appreciated thanks!
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Week 6 update

Current weight 187 and Starting to really lean out, water retention is not as bad anymore, stomach is flattening out body fat definitely went down a few percent.. pants are starting to fit very baggy. Arms are up 2 inches so far and shoulders are looking very large in comparison to before, and my back is getting very broad. Strength and endurance is really though the roof. So far, I'm pleased with my results. View attachment 545337View attachment 545338
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Week 7 Update
Strength and size steadily rising. Took a BF percentage at 24 and I'm down to 12%! Weight is the same. Nips have been a tiny bit sensitive, but nothing to complain about. Testicular atrophy sucks but i don't feel like its affecting my sex drive. No signs of acne, hair loss, gyno, or libido issues in sight. So far so good!
QUESTION: I will be running HCG for two week starting the day of my last shot, and i will be running clomid at 25mgs starting the last day of my hcg shot. Will 25mg's of clomid be enough? or should i do 50mgs for two weeks? Help would be greatly appreciated!
I would run 50mg of clomid the whole PCT just to be on the safe side. I've read that 25mg can be an effective dose but why chance it. Clomid isn't that expensive and going with 50mg isn't going to cause any more problems than 25mg did.
Week 8 update
I'm fluctuating between about 188 and 193. Abs are coming in nicely. Made great size gains the last week. Weight is not as increasing as dramatically anymore but steadily rising. I find that my best workouts are about 45 minutes after injection. I'm really happy with the strength gains. starting flat bench for 225 i had 12 reps, now i have 22. 315 5x went up to 375 3x. Can't go too hard on the squat because of a tender knee so i keep it under 405, however i can go a lot lower with a lot of confidence. I will probably post more pics around week 10.
Update Week 9:
Insomnia like a mother fucker for the past 4 days. Not sure if its the heat or my shitty mattress (probably the tren and in denial lol) but its making me irritable. I'm catching myself bitching at my girlfriend over the dumbest shit ever. Not getting angry or anything like that..just naggy like a woman. Anyways I'm debating on whether i should smoke a bowl before bed or take a couple benadryl to knock out. What do you guys think?

this me @ 187lb cold in the morning.View attachment 545606
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Hello TRT.

Dude I can't believe you are running this much shit at 23.

First cycle anavar 12weeks was a horrible cycle.

This 2nd cycle you're using 4x the amount of test c that you prob should be and stacking it with Tren? I don't think you should be touching tren yet, let alone using 3cc's.

I could understand maybe throwing in dbol with the test c with this second cycle. But considering you have never ran test c, you are using way too much, and the dbol is pretty high...I just don't understand what you are doing.

Don't get me wrong, running that much shit would be a blast lol and I'm not trying to be a dick...but you are wasting your natural potential and on your way to TRT if you keep doing this.
NP bro, just realized that i didn't put the test C I ran with Anavar (var) in my first cycle in the post. I'll edit that. I wanted growth, and strength, and particularly a 405 BP. I understand that its a lot but I'm sure my natty test will recover again. That's what Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid is for right? It definitely is a blast and the strength gains blow my last cycle out of the water lol. I do appreciate the reality check. I probably wouldn't have ran the tren hex if someone checked me like this before I started. The advice on these boards is so much different then the advice i get from my am and pro BB friends. I'ts like choosing between years of first hand experience from people who are close to me and internet gurus who clearly know their shit as well.
Hello TRT.

Dude I can't believe you are running this much shit at 23.

First cycle ana Anavar (var) 12weeks was a horrible cycle.

This 2nd cycle you're using 4x the amount of test c that you prob should be and stacking it with Tren? I don't think you should be touching tren yet, let alone using 3cc's.

I could understand maybe throwing in dbol with the test c with this second cycle. But considering you have never ran test c, you are using way too much, and the dbol is pretty high...I just don't understand what you are doing.

Don't get me wrong, running that much shit would be a blast lol and I'm not trying to be a dick...but you are wasting your natural potential and on your way to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if you keep doing this.
I just realized your 'week' updates are only a few days apart on the posts. You trollin bro?

naa i joined the site 6 weeks into the cycle but i had a personal log of everything. I wanted to post it in chronological order as best as possible. I tried to do a lot of research on tren hex but couldn't really find anything so i thought it might benefit people on what to expect. That's why week 1-6 are basically on the same day. As far as the logs with pictures go, they are still 100% accurate.
So, once again, for insomnia should I smoke a bowl before bed or take a couple benadryl or something else to sleep? Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
NP bro, just realized that i didn't put the test C I ran with Anavar (var) in my first cycle in the post. I'll edit that. I wanted growth, and strength, and particularly a 405 BP. I understand that its a lot but I'm sure my natty test will recover again. That's what Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid is for right? It definitely is a blast and the strength gains blow my last cycle out of the water lol. I do appreciate the reality check. I probably wouldn't have ran the tren hex if someone checked me like this before I started. The advice on these boards is so much different then the advice i get from my am and pro BB friends. I'ts like choosing between years of first hand experience from people who are close to me and internet gurus who clearly know their shit as well.

K that first cycle makes me feel a lot better lol. You're doing things right with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid...you're just running massive dosages as a second cycle. I'm no self proclaimed guru, but I read a lot and you should recover fine with your pct.

From my line of work, at first glance I thought you said you wanted 405 blood pressure lmao...bench pressssss.

Honestly you prob could have got very similar gains running half the gear that you are. I'm 24, I've never ran AAS. I had one sdrol mistake that I bailed early cycle (no gains/waste of money...but saved my health). I've ran sarms in the past one time and been natty since. I plan on running AAS when I'm pushing 30...which is why I'm on this forum. I want everything perfect. Diet has pushed me so far the last 3 years.

Are you competitive in BB or powerlifting? Your body, your call bro...just maybe slow things down next cycle. Maybe I'm biased b/c I'm pretty sure I'm a borderline sex addict lol but I want to fuck till the day I die and I def want to avoid testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as long as possible. Don't keep pushing the limits with each cycle man or you'll end up like this guy http://www.steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/625200-its-official-just-bought-my-gear-my-advanced-cycle.html lmao...it's sad but he's on a path of self destruction. Just make sure you get bloodwork done man, it's incredibly ignorant not to get bloodwork. Take care man and good luck.
So, once again, for insomnia should I smoke a bowl before bed or take a couple benadryl or something else to sleep? Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I avoid OTC meds at all possible. You're at week 9 so you're way past done with the dbol correct? Benadryl is metabolized in the liver...it's not necessarily liver toxic unless you were to take a massive dose. But, who knows what your liver enzymes are like with that dbol. Personally I wouldn't take the benadryl, especially if it's only to induce sleep.

I also don't advocate the ganj but I can't be a hypocrite either lol. If you smoke, go for it but I wouldn't start smoking just to fall asleep. It's a better choice to fall asleep than the benadryl.
405 blood pressure lol I'll def take that advice. I train power lifting.. bands chains explosion and speed lifting in volume etc..Planning on competing soon. I think your right. I'll slow shit down on the next one, i think my buds got me way too hyped over this cycle lol. Luckily I still have no side effects on my sex drive i couln't even imagine how bad that would be! I'd be a fool not to take that advice. I had already planned on doing bloodwork again. Thanks for the advice
K that first cycle makes me feel a lot better lol. You're doing things right with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid...you're just running massive dosages as a second cycle. I'm no self proclaimed guru, but I read a lot and you should recover fine with your pct.

From my line of work, at first glance I thought you said you wanted 405 blood pressure lmao...bench pressssss.

Honestly you prob could have got very similar gains running half the gear that you are. I'm 24, I've never ran AAS. I had one sdrol mistake that I bailed early cycle (no gains/waste of money...but saved my health). I've ran sarms in the past one time and been natty since. I plan on running AAS when I'm pushing 30...which is why I'm on this forum. I want everything perfect. Diet has pushed me so far the last 3 years.

Are you competitive in BB or powerlifting? Your body, your call bro...just maybe slow things down next cycle. Maybe I'm biased b/c I'm pretty sure I'm a borderline sex addict lol but I want to fuck till the day I die and I def want to avoid testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as long as possible. Don't keep pushing the limits with each cycle man or you'll end up like this guy steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/625200-its-official-just-bought-my-gear-my-advanced-cycle.html lmao...it's sad but he's on a path of self destruction. Just make sure you get bloodwork done man, it's incredibly ignorant not to get bloodwork. Take care man and good luck.
Yeah i finished the dbol at week 6. Ok good call, I'll avoid the benadryl and smoke. Especially since I feel super out of it when I wake up from benadryl. When I smoke and wake up I feel completely fine. I gave everything up completely during this cycle to keep my liver values as healthy as possible. Trying to go to sleep in an oven for a house with a shitty mattress while juicing is about as bad as it gets for me.
I avoid OTC meds at all possible. You're at week 9 so you're way past done with the dbol correct? Benadryl is metabolized in the liver...it's not necessarily liver toxic unless you were to take a massive dose. But, who knows what your liver enzymes are like with that dbol. Personally I wouldn't take the benadryl, especially if it's only to induce sleep.

I also don't advocate the ganj but I can't be a hypocrite either lol. If you smoke, go for it but I wouldn't start smoking just to fall asleep. It's a better choice to fall asleep than the benadryl.
405 bench press is a nice goal, especially at sub-200 (if you're trying to go for lb-for-lb strength that is)

Didn't know you powerlifted, good shit! I do too, haven't used a whole lot of bands/chains/speedwork, haven't found it necessary yet... mostly just use volume and accessory training to get my bench up.

I'll be following your log, I have one of my own. Feel free to drop by if you wanna talk training.

How long you cycling for? Don't think I saw it mentioned anywhere in here.
My cycle is 12 weeks. Nice I'll hit you up about training! The bands and chains helped big time but they can be killer on your joints after a few volume waves. I feel like I might be strong enough to do a 405 lift now (with bench shirt) but I'm sure my nervous system can't handle it yet. anytime I'm in the 90% and above range I get muscle twitches and make mistakes on my lift... crazy how the body reacts to that kind of weight.
405 bench press is a nice goal, especially at sub-200 (if you're trying to go for lb-for-lb strength that is)

Didn't know you powerlifted, good shit! I do too, haven't used a whole lot of bands/chains/speedwork, haven't found it necessary yet... mostly just use volume and accessory training to get my bench up.

I'll be following your log, I have one of my own. Feel free to drop by if you wanna talk training.

How long you cycling for? Don't think I saw it mentioned anywhere in here.