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Smoking a bowl before bed last night gave me THE BEST sleep I've had in the last 2 months easy. Slept like a bear from 9:30 PM to 6AM. Girlfriend showed up at the house freaking out wondering why i wasn't answering her phone calls lol. Just finished my bench speed day. All my times were on point, the focus was there and didn't make any mistakes. Probably wont smoke before my heavy days just in case... I don't want to it risk affecting my nervous system especially when i overload it with the bench boards.
Haha I've done it a few times.. last time I did it and lifted i smoked to much and freaked out. I thought people kept looking at me in the gym as if they knew i was high
Update: Week 12 and done.
Finished last thursday. Started school so I haven't really had time to post an update, anyways my finishing weight is 197. I hit my 405 bench press goal last Tuesday. Popped a blood vessel in my eye and a few in my left armpit lol I will probably post some pictures up soon.
Update: Week 12 and done.
Finished last thursday. Started school so I haven't really had time to post an update, anyways my finishing weight is 197. I hit my 405 bench press goal last Tuesday. Popped a blood vessel in my eye and a few in my left armpit lol I will probably post some pictures up soon.

lol, at the blood vessels

I wish I had seen this earlier because I would have told you that 25mg Proviron ED is a waste of money... you need AT LEAST 50mg per day and I like it to be at 100mg. It's a weak binder and the bioavailability is on the low end so you need to dose more to get results