2nd cycle...TEST, DECA, D-BOL? Good start?


New member
Still on my first cycle, which is Test E for 10 weeks. I am already itching for my next cycle, but I WILL wait probably 3-4 Months to be safe. But, thought I would start researching now, as everyone here has been VERY helpful (thanks to you all).

Anyways, YES I found this stack on another site and thought I would ask if it would be good for a 2nd go round.

Weeks 1-4
D-Bol 40mg a Day

Weeks 1-10
Test E 600mg a week
Deca 500mg a week

PCT: Weeks 12-16
Nolva 40-40-20-20

Questions, with this much stuff, I fell like HCG should be incorperated, but the more I research the more I get confussed. I here DO NOT do it during post cycle therapy (pct), as it can be suppresive. So when would I want to do it? Between cycle and pct? At 500iu's?
Also, how do DECA and D-bol differ?

Critique away, I will be on this thread for along time trying to learn EVERYTHING I can.
Alright, first of I think its a lot of gear for your 2nd cycle. You could prob make awesome gains with about half as much stuff. Nolva or some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is needed during a cycle like that.

And you're right about the need of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), you take that during the cycle. I know theres a lot of arguing but I asure you it needs to be taking during the cycle.
I'd start with a 1000 or 1500ui shot and follow up with 500ui.
You could take it anytime you wish but it doesnt make much sense to do it early on since your gonna shrink again anyway.

Well with that said, all looks fine but its a lot of gear, make no mistake about it.
Alright, first of I think its a lot of gear for your 2nd cycle. You could prob make awesome gains with about half as much stuff. Nolva or some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is needed during a cycle like that.

And you're right about the need of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), you take that during the cycle. I know theres a lot of arguing but I asure you it needs to be taking during the cycle.
I'd start with a 1000 or 1500ui shot and follow up with 500ui.
You could take it anytime you wish but it doesnt make much sense to do it early on since your gonna shrink again anyway.

Well with that said, all looks fine but its a lot of gear, make no mistake about it.

Well, I mean, its only 2 more then my first? :dunno:

I just wasnt THAT impressed with TEST alone, and I had thought this was kinda the next step? What would you recomend? And with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), when would you start and end? Should u run it BETWEEN cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) during those couple weeks off? O last thing, do you do hcg with an insulin needle? Pretty sure, just makin sure!
Its that dosages that makes this a lot. You say you werent impressed with Test alone, well how much did you run? What kind of test was it, how often did you inject ? Are you sure it was legit ? How was your diet? How much did you gain....

Could be something wrong there.

Do you know all about Deca? It can be very rough on your twins. I heard of people who couldn't get a hard on in years. Its called deca dick.

Well you get my point, I think you could make really good gains with less gear and therefore less sides.

Yes an insulin needle is commonly used. Ok I know I'm gonna get flamed for this one but theres a really good video with some info about HCG on youtube. (Really really bad source for knowledge)
But that video is pretty decent and best of all that bitch has a website with all the supplies you need.
(look at her stomach when she injects and tell me that stuff doesn't boost test levels like crazy!)


When you inject hcg doesn't really matter, a lot of people do it quite frequent from the start to avoid shrinkage all together, but I dont recommend that. HCG can cause gyno so beware. I would start near the end and maybe after the last injection for once. But its def not good in post cycle therapy (pct), it can and will cause gyno and its an additional source for Test, so if its done too frequent it will cause your testicles to shut down as well.
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Its that dosages that makes this a lot. You say you werent impressed with Test alone, well how much did you run? What kind of test was it, how often did you inject ? Are you sure it was legit ? How was your diet? How much did you gain....

Could be something wrong there.

Do you know all about Deca? It can be very rough on your twins. I heard of people who couldn't get a hard on in years. Its called deca dick.

Well you get my point, I think you could make really good gains with less gear and therefore less sides.

Yes an insulin needle is commonly used. Ok I know I'm gonna get flamed for this one but theres a really good video with some info about HCG on youtube. (Really really bad source for knowledge)
But that video is pretty decent and best of all that bitch has a website with all the supplies you need.
(look at her stomach when she injects and tell me that stuff doesn't boost test levels like crazy!)


When you inject hcg doesn't really matter, a lot of people do it quite frequent from the start to avoid shrinkage all together, but I dont recommend that. HCG can cause gyno so beware. I would start near the end and maybe after the last injection for once. But its def not good in post cycle therapy (pct), it can and will cause gyno and its an additional source for Test, so if its done too frequent it will cause your testicles to shut down as well.

Im actually on the test now. Test E 500mg a week. Shot M, and TH. up about 10lbs and its the end of week 7. I probably could eat more, but trying to avoid BF as much as possible. Im sure its legit as my balls have shrunk like a MOFO but maybe thats not a good way to tell. Also, my lifts are up a decent amount.

And I have been reading that about deca. That scares me! Maybe I will re-evaluate my next go round, but hey, thats why I am here!
That's a great video Dbol7 - the prices from her site look pretty good.

Hey shaine your 2nd cycle looks close to the one I'm planning on except using test cyp instead of test e.

Great info guys!
Still on my first cycle, which is Test E for 10 weeks. I am already itching for my next cycle, but I WILL wait probably 3-4 Months to be safe. But, thought I would start researching now, as everyone here has been VERY helpful (thanks to you all).

Anyways, YES I found this stack on another site and thought I would ask if it would be good for a 2nd go round.

Weeks 1-4
D-Bol 40mg a Day

Weeks 1-10
Test E 600mg a week
Deca 500mg a week

PCT: Weeks 12-16
Nolva 40-40-20-20

Questions, with this much stuff, I fell like HCG should be incorperated, but the more I research the more I get confussed. I here DO NOT do it during post cycle therapy (pct), as it can be suppresive. So when would I want to do it? Between cycle and pct? At 500iu's?
Also, how do DECA and D-bol differ?

Critique away, I will be on this thread for along time trying to learn EVERYTHING I can.

Well first off what kind of D bol that amount could be a little week depending on the type..Secondly the cycle seems a little short man!!! Deca takes a long time to really work it magic as far as getting mass..I woukld go a little longer,,JMO from what i have done!!
shane, there is no standard next progression. You said you wern't very impressed with the Test alone. If thats the case, you aren't doing something right. You don't make gains from the drugs... you make gains from eating, training and resting. If you don't want to eat as much cause you think you'll get fat, then you have to be more patient than someone willing to put on more fat.

as for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you don't NEED anything until you NEED it. So don't get caught in the trap by thinking you gotta take something else just because. You can control BP, water retention and most sides without extra drugs.

As for the cycle, i don't think the doses are too high, but i don't think you need that much gear. You want to use the least amount of gear as possible to get gains. More gear doesn't mean more gains. Thats called relying on the drugs. Which is what you don't want.

Don't get in that trap and you will have much better results in the future.
it can and will cause gyno

Although I agree with certain things you have said, making blanket statements like this above is not good. you have no idea what anyone WILL or WILL NOT get by using any drug so try to refrain saying stuff like that will ya?

Same thing about saying he will NEED an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Everyone is different and reacts differently to different things.

Although I agree with certain things you have said, making blanket statements like this above is not good. you have no idea what anyone WILL or WILL NOT get by using any drug so try to refrain saying stuff like that will ya?

Same thing about saying he will NEED an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Everyone is different and reacts differently to different things.


I see some of the things you are taking in your second cycle that interest me. I was curious if know where I can find a a safe website to pursue the same.
Although I agree with certain things you have said, making blanket statements like this above is not good. you have no idea what anyone WILL or WILL NOT get by using any drug so try to refrain saying stuff like that will ya?

Same thing about saying he will NEED an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Everyone is different and reacts differently to different things.


Yea some things came out different. I agree with all you've said, especially about not relying on the drug.

What I meant with the HCG is that its possible to cause gyno, especially during post cycle therapy (pct), some people tend to claim the opposite, almost makming it seem like HCG is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) itself, which is plain bull.

I tend to be over protective when it comes to SERMS and AIs during cycles and I stuck to that rule for almost 30 years with success. Why risk it for a lousy 5lbs more gains, which is mostly water weight anyway ? I've just seen it happen far too often to refrain from that statment.

All in all none of what I've said was meant to be a statment, but rather opinion and experience.
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Yea some things came out different. I agree with all you've said, especially about not relying on the drug.

What I meant with the HCG is that its possible to cause gyno, especially during post cycle therapy (pct), some people tend to claim the opposite, almost makming it seem like HCG is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) itself, which is plain bull.

I tend to be over protective when it comes to SERMS and AIs during cycles and I stuck to that rule for almost 30 years with success. Why risk it for a lousy 5lbs more gains, which is mostly water weight anyway ? I've just seen it happen far too often to refrain from that statment.

All in all none of what I've said was meant to be a statment, but rather opinion and experience.

good enough. thanks.

and for whats its worth, don't get me wrong, AIs have their place, i just don't like people thinking they HAVE to do anything simply because of a big IF. Some disagree, but that's just me. Less is better IMO.