2nd Cycle Test, Sus260, Anavar and Win


New member
This is my second cycle, started today :)


210 lbs
Age 39
BF 18%

1st Cycle:

Weeks 1-6: Sus 250 pw
Weeks 7-12 Sus 250 2x pw, Win 20mgs ed


Gained 22 lbs
Kicked in in week 2 and really catapulted in week 5, slowed down towards the end but maintained itself. Loved the cycle :) Very little water retention, waste dropped 5 cms.

PCT: A little nolvadex, I wasn't as disciplined as I should have been. Felt a little down after 3 weeks but only for a day or two. Have dropped 10lbs since but still have good shape. Have not trained much since as have been travelling with work, next time will be different.

My situation now:

I have been stocking up and have Anavar, Win, Primo (injection), Tren (will have in 2 weeks), Win, Test En, Sus 250, Proviron, Deca (later this week) Nolvadex, Aromisan, Testocaps, Arimidex, Clomid.

Second cycle:

Weeks 1-12: Test En 250 and Sus 250, together once pw
Weeks 7-12: Anavar 50mgs pd, win 20mgs pd

1. PCT: Please can you advise me
2. Have I got the mix right, I started today so can change mix
3. Would like to kick start, any thoughts?
4. Diet: Advise on the diet and frequency of meals would be good and also what to avoid, including alcohol.
5. Would like advise from those with experience!
6. What should I do with the primo? Would like to use somehow?
7. I smoke, what impact does this have?


1. Would like a kick start
2. Would like to gain strength, bulk up and harden up

Second cycle:

Weeks 1-12: Test En 250 and Sus 250, together once pw
Weeks 7-12: Ana Anavar (var) 50mgs pd, win 20mgs pd

i'll be blunt. i dont like it.
what is it you are trying to do bulk or cut? with what you have here you have a clashed cycle.
and why do sust with test e i mean you can do it but the sust would be much better run @ 500mg pw and the test e i dont see the point in it witht he Sustanon (sust).
can you tell me why you are doing this.
run the orals 7-12 if anything i would use the Anavar (var) to lead me into post cycle therapy (pct) because with sust the post cycle therapy (pct) starts 3 weeks after last pin. so running the Anavar (var) 10-15 and then post cycle therapy (pct) the next day makes more sence to me. next why Winstrol (winny) along witht he Anavar (var) are you wanting to try to cut at the end of this. cause if you are trying this your wasting a cycle imo.
What Cyto said. Pick 1 or the other regarding Test E or Sust and var or Winstrol (winny). No need for both. I personally LOVE Anavar (var). I have not used Winstrol (winny) tho, and do not plan on it; however, Ive had alot of buddies complain about joint pain while on and their lipids or shit.

I would say try something like this:

1-12 Test E 500mgs/week
8-14 Var 50mgs/day
2-14 Hcg 250ius 2x/week (last inj 4 days before pct)
14-18 pct