2nd week of PCT and it sucks


I am banned!
Came off a test and high dose deca cycle and I'll never do that again, pct sucks. Long story but I want to come clean maybe forever.
But I feel like dog shit, tired as hell, no motivation and depressed. Can't get a damn positive thought in my head and I'm normally a happy person. Also, feel like my brain is cloudy etc.
I hope it gets better soon, I just hate the idea of committing to life long HRT...
Any advice?
what were your dosages? did you run an AI and a dopamine aganoist on your cycle? did you run HCG on your cycle? if you didn't run any of these things your probably totally screwed forever dude ;) so you'll need blood work . lets see how badly you messed yourself up

its going to take time , pct is 6 weeks long or up to 8 weeks after your last pin, thats two months , give it time
Test 500, deca 6-800 x 15 weeks. Stopped deca week 15 and ran test 3 more weeks. 2 weeks after I started clomid and nolva.
I ran an AI on cycle, as well as caber. I also did 250 IU HCG twice a week, stopping day before my clomid/nolva
On second week of clomid 50, twice a day and 20 nolva twice a day
you had a good protocol going there . how long did you run your AI after your last test injection , did you run it while you were running the HCG? having elevated estrogen going into PCT can make recovery more difficult, and HCG does enhance aromatization.

right now your just feeling completely shut down, the exogenous test has cleared your system and you have no natty test.
Any tips to feel better? I also just got over a cold for the past 2 weeks, haven't exercised in over a week cause I'm scared it will lower my immune system and make that lingering cold return. I also have zero interest in working out.
well your immune system should start functioning better now that your off high dosages of gear, as when your on your body is working over time to try and bind to and neutralize the excess androgens in an attempt to maintain homeostasis . now that its not doing that any more it can rest and recover and 'balance out' .

in an attempt to feel better I would up your calories, and definitely start hitting the gym , even if the sessions are light . you got to get your mind focused plus you don't want to not doing anything while your T levels are crashed or you'll go completely catabolic.

its just going to take some time. the brain fog and feeling out of it will subside once natty production starts fully in . I personally don't PCT and just blast and cruise . BUT I have come off of all gear before to detox for 6 months , without pct even, and believe things do get better.
you'll actually start feeling better and sleeping better with all the androgens out of your system and your heart rate will go down and your body won't be working so hard. think of it as a time to recuperate
Sounds like typical Clomid side effects. I hate that shit. I feel like the most worthless person in the world when I take clomid. I feel tired, depressed and don't want to do anything. Ive used nolva only pct and while it takes a bit longer to come back, it worth not feeling like shit for me. IF...I use clomid, its at a very minimal dose.
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How soon after your last pin did you start pct? When you use long esters, finish the last 4 with short one if you will need to run a pct. Coming off a run on deca you are looking at 5-6 weeks depending on the dose you ran on cycle/

Coming off sucks whether you have to pct or return to trt. Kryptonite.
How soon after your last pin did you start pct? When you use long esters, finish the last 4 with short one if you will need to run a pct. Coming off a run on deca you are looking at 5-6 weeks depending on the dose you ran on cycle/

Coming off sucks whether you have to pct or return to trt. Kryptonite.

5 weeks since last deca shot and 3 weeks since test cyp...
I appreciate the advice, I am going to eat more and start back to my workouts...
Damn this was the last thing i wanted to read as my test/deca cycle is soon coming to an end. Hope you feel better man
thinking about this thread in general . there is probably quite a bit of evidence out there that blasting and then cruising on gear year round can have some health benefits over doing PCT. the hormonal fluctuations and transitions from blasting to doing PCT is probably not the healthiest or most ideal thing. But then again , staying on year round is not going to be great for the HPTA. just saying overall health i could see how cruising may be a much more stable choice
Agree but it's the damn deca, never had this hard of recovery after test and Anavar etc
It's the last time I will touch deca
how you feeling? any better?

I am feeling a little better. I'm cutting the dose of clomid to 50 daily and nolva to 20 starting today (just ended week 2 of pct)
I feel little more energy but it's my brain, just can't be positive about anything. I know low test can cause low serotonin so that's what's going on. Just have ovbsessive thoughts that I can't shake but that's getting slightly better
I'm also on MACA, vit D and zinc
Any suggestions?
Hope I get back to normal !!!!