2nd week of PCT and it sucks

how about those blood results, did you get them?
Waiting 6-8 weeks after PCT.
Just finished Pct yesterday and feeling ok mentally, just tired and no motivation, but the depression lifted.
Most guys here told me to wait 6-8 weeks after PCT to do lab work
Dont do steroids if you are not 100% willing to commit for life because you are never guaranteed to recover

No you may not recover and i never did. dbol test anastrozole hcg did everything right but clomid gave me migraine which i STILL HAVE A YEAR LATER
No you may not recover and i never did. dbol test anastrozole hcg did everything right but clomid gave me migraine which i STILL HAVE A YEAR LATER

I know I may never recover. Good thing is I feel pretty good now. I'm ok with going on TRT
I'm waiting 6 more weeks, check labs then if my test is under 300 I'm going on HRT
It's a big decision but at least the wife is on board and if I get on HRT, I'll just blast primo twice a year so I don't have to worry about upping my AI which drops my hdl too much.
I know I may never recover. Good thing is I feel pretty good now. I'm ok with going on TRT
I'm waiting 6 more weeks, check labs then if my test is under 300 I'm going on HRT
It's a big decision but at least the wife is on board and if I get on HRT, I'll just blast primo twice a year so I don't have to worry about upping my AI which drops my hdl too much.

if you get your trt dose dialed in on the lower end , you may not need an AI at all (we are all diff though). and then of course blasting primo you wont' need an AI either. So not a bad plan to not have to deal with estrogen or AI effecting cholesterol.

just note, when you say blasting primo twice per year, and if your going primo depot, then thats best run long term like 16-20 weeks. So that would mean your on primo about 8 months a year.
if you get your trt dose dialed in on the lower end , you may not need an AI at all (we are all diff though). and then of course blasting primo you wont' need an AI either. So not a bad plan to not have to deal with estrogen or AI effecting cholesterol.

just note, when you say blasting primo twice per year, and if your going primo depot, then thats best run long term like 16-20 weeks. So that would mean your on primo about 8 months a year.

I would do a 20 week cycle of primo once a year and another shorter one with an oral like oxandrolone. Maybe throw in a 3 week course of superdrol here and there.
Crazy thing is part of me wants my levels to be low so I can get on HRT and feel ok about it.
If I do, I would do hcg cause my wife loves my balls and so do I. I think if I did hcg then I need an AI, right?
I would do a 20 week cycle of primo once a year and another shorter one with an oral like oxandrolone. Maybe throw in a 3 week course of superdrol here and there.
Crazy thing is part of me wants my levels to be low so I can get on HRT and feel ok about it.
If I do, I would do hcg cause my wife loves my balls and so do I. I think if I did hcg then I need an AI, right?

sounds like a plan . hcg will add to a bit of aromatization, but wither you need an AI or not will still be dependent on blood work and what test levels your trying to seek. if your going to go for the high end of the range, 1200ngdl with hcg , then you'll prob need one. But you could feel great at 600ngdl and not need one and feel great. just depends on you

personally i used to be at the high end of the range, and i did need an AI . experimenting with the low end of the range for the last 6 months or so (hard to dial that in being i'm on cycle so much), but i feel fine with super low test as well.
I'm off cycle now, so we'll see how only 100mg a week of test does for me
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Thanks roush
This is my first week off Pct (8 weeks since last deca, over 6 weeks last test shot).
I am so impatient to check labs, hate to wait 6 weeks.
If I check them now, u think my test levels would be low and waiting 6 weeks will bring them up?
Or, think they will be high since I just came off the Pct?
If the latter is true, then maybe I should check labs now cause if they are low, no need to wait. Thoughts?
Roush is pretty on point there mate good advice.

In terms of when to check bloods, right after PCT isn't ideal as until the SERMS clear out you don't really get a true point of where you at, you may be essentially still on a SERM. 6 weeks after you finish your PCT is a good time to be checking up, could probably go as early as 4 weeks. I haven't read the whole thread though but hope that answered your question.

Not all guys have natural high test levels, many are fine and running normal with Test levels on the low end, but that's just where they sit. THis is why pre-cycle bloods are vital so you know where your starting point is.
Roush is pretty on point there mate good advice.

In terms of when to check bloods, right after PCT isn't ideal as until the SERMS clear out you don't really get a true point of where you at, you may be essentially still on a SERM. 6 weeks after you finish your PCT is a good time to be checking up, could probably go as early as 4 weeks. I haven't read the whole thread though but hope that answered your question.

Not all guys have natural high test levels, many are fine and running normal with Test levels on the low end, but that's just where they sit. THis is why pre-cycle bloods are vital so you know where your starting point is.

I hear what y'all are saying but I'm damn impatient
I've been off everything for 7 weeks now, Pct 2 weeks ago finished.
Here's my question, I know I should wait another 4 weeks but why? Would my test levels be higher than normal? If so, if I check now and my levels are 100, then I should go on TRT because it's not like the number is going to double after this long after Pct.. roush? Thoughts?
I just don't feel myself, tired, maybe depressed no energy or sex drive. I hate this feeling and I've been off everything x 7 weeks (9 weeks ago was my last pin).
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I hear what y'all are saying but I'm damn impatient
I've been off everything for 7 weeks now, Pct 2 weeks ago finished.
Here's my question, I know I should wait another 4 weeks but why? Would my test levels be higher than normal? If so, if I check now and my levels are 100, then I should go on TRT because it's not like the number is going to double after this long after Pct.. roush? Thoughts?
I just don't feel myself, tired, maybe depressed no energy or sex drive. I hate this feeling and I've been off everything x 7 weeks (9 weeks ago was my last pin).

if your only 2 weeks since stopping PCT , then I'd wait at least another 4 weeks if you want 'Accurate' blood work with what your body is capable of producing full natty . heck the serms are probably still in your system, think clomid alone has a half life around 7+ days , which means at two weeks its just now clearing. Your going to get a false positive blood test

However , i do get your point that if you go in for blood work now, and your test levels suck even this close to pct (where they should be elevated), then just pull the plug all together stop Fing around and get on TRT. that makes sense. But again , if you want really accurate blood work , BEFORE you commit to TRT and know where your at naturally , its best to wait 4 more weeks.

imo, where your at right now on tossing around the idea of TRT anyways, and if you ever plan on running gear again , shit man just commit and get on tRT and plan on blasting and cruising , make life a whole lot easier :)
I hear ya man. I know myself and prob cycle 10-12 weeks, 10-12 weeks off and repeat, so if I'm going to use anyway, I should just blast and TRT anyway. This mind fuck of Pct sucks and I know I can't stay off for 4-6 months at a time so why bother Pct.
I used to be against blast and cruise but damn life sucks right now and I got everything going for me,hot wife, kids, excellent personal business making tons of money, traveling the world, 3 cars on and on, but I'm just not happy and I know it's the low test.
I know my cruises would only be 100 mg a week so that's not too bad.
Shit, I bet smoking is worse for ur health than 100 mg test...
Thanks Roush, great advice!
I hear ya man. I know myself and prob cycle 10-12 weeks, 10-12 weeks off and repeat, so if I'm going to use anyway, I should just blast and TRT anyway. This mind fuck of Pct sucks and I know I can't stay off for 4-6 months at a time so why bother Pct.
I used to be against blast and cruise but damn life sucks right now and I got everything going for me,hot wife, kids, excellent personal business making tons of money, traveling the world, 3 cars on and on, but I'm just not happy and I know it's the low test.
I know my cruises would only be 100 mg a week so that's not too bad.
Shit, I bet smoking is worse for ur health than 100 mg test...
Thanks Roush, great advice!

just my opinion, but think you'll be happier doing so with less issues then dealing with PCT and mood swings and all that comes with it. TRT will provide a level of consistency and stability to things for you. and if your a busy successful guy , the consistency in hormones will be a huge perk. plus if you ever want to do a quick blast of something like just Var for 5 weeks, you can do it without thinking twice and worrying about pct just to run a little var . allows you freedom to experiment safely