I am feeling a little better. I'm cutting the dose of clomid to 50 daily and nolva to 20 starting today (just ended week 2 of pct)
I feel little more energy but it's my brain, just can't be positive about anything. I know low test can cause low serotonin so that's what's going on. Just have ovbsessive thoughts that I can't shake but that's getting slightly better
I'm also on MACA, vit D and zinc
Any suggestions?
Hope I get back to normal !!!!
Sides? I feel tired and slight brain fog (getting better) and more emotional. Not sure if it's the low test or the clomid
I'm going to give it more time, but every 5 mins I think about shooting some test ... I know if I did it would prob be forever
Just HATE feeling tired, shitty and depressed
I was happy as hell on 400 test!