2nd week of PCT and it sucks

I am feeling a little better. I'm cutting the dose of clomid to 50 daily and nolva to 20 starting today (just ended week 2 of pct)
I feel little more energy but it's my brain, just can't be positive about anything. I know low test can cause low serotonin so that's what's going on. Just have ovbsessive thoughts that I can't shake but that's getting slightly better
I'm also on MACA, vit D and zinc
Any suggestions?
Hope I get back to normal !!!!

Sides? I feel tired and slight brain fog (getting better) and more emotional. Not sure if it's the low test or the clomid
I'm going to give it more time, but every 5 mins I think about shooting some test ... I know if I did it would prob be forever
Just HATE feeling tired, shitty and depressed
I was happy as hell on 400 test!
Still don't feel right, energy is ok but it's the depression. No sex drive although I had sex last night with no issues, but feel down in the gutter.. was very close to hopping back on last night. Only reason I didn't is cause I already put 3 weeks into this and hate to give up if by next week I feel much better. When does it get better for u guys in general? 3 weeks? 3 months?
My plan is to come off for 4 months and check labs, if test is low then HRT cause this is no way to go through life
Dont do steroids if you are not 100% willing to commit for life because you are never guaranteed to recover
Should I hop back on test for another month then restart pct? Maybe it's the deca still lingering causing these issues?
no its the CLOMID bro. It is an estrogen so it makes people into bitches. And you are still dosing it too high

I'm on 50 daily now... still to high?

Side note: I cut it to 50 two days ago and yesterday I felt amazing. Energy, happy, felt back to normal. I hope it lasts. I started working out again (i was sick as hell for 2 weeks)-and eating more. Maybe it was the clomid, or maybe working out again.

Crazy shit. This happened once before where I ran deca high for 15 weeks. Not touching that shit again, going to stick to 6-8 week cycles of prop and anavar
Yes still to high because your body is depressed as a symptom of processing all that estrogen. Continue to slowly reduce it and watch the magic

Half life is 5-7 days. So everyday or every other day dosing is not good. Doctors have just copied what they found bodybuilders doing. BB'ers are notorious for the more more more mentality.
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OP , just a side note . it sounds like you don't do good after running long cycles of Deca. have you gotten blood work done after deca cycles before? Deca is notorious for greatly increasing your rbc/heamtorcrit/hemoglobin (thats what its used for medically) , and if that gets too elevated your going to feel like shit. thats why i rarely run deca anymore (and if i do run nandro its just a shorter blast with npp added)
OP , just a side note . it sounds like you don't do good after running long cycles of Deca. have you gotten blood work done after deca cycles before? Deca is notorious for greatly increasing your rbc/heamtorcrit/hemoglobin (thats what its used for medically) , and if that gets too elevated your going to feel like shit. thats why i rarely run deca anymore (and if i do run nandro its just a shorter blast with npp added)

Yeah, 3 months after my last deca run my test levels were 150 total. But this time I ran hcg through cycle so hopefully it makes recovery easier.
So I am not sure whether I felt bad because of the low test or the clomid?
Should I drop it to 25 mg a day? Seems so low.
I'm feeling almost myself on 50 a day
Yeah, 3 months after my last deca run my test levels were 150 total. But this time I ran hcg through cycle so hopefully it makes recovery easier.
So I am not sure whether I felt bad because of the low test or the clomid?
Should I drop it to 25 mg a day? Seems so low.
I'm feeling almost myself on 50 a day

I'm talking blood work done to check your blood panel, not your hormone or testosterone levels (which would be tanked after a deca cycle). I'm just saying deca causes elevated hematorcrit and if that gets really high your going to feel like total garbage (plus low test on top of it) . and the elevated hemoatorcrit is a serious concern, low test is not.
your in it now you just have to ride that shit out. continue your 50/20 for the rest of your pct and deal with it. every up has its down this is how it goes. just know the pct drugs are affecting you for the moment and dont make any rash decisions. you will be fine.
i HIGHLY recommend anyone who uses Clomid to take it BEFORE BED. Best way to take it by far. i have virtually zero side effects when i take it before bed. and don't go crazy with the dosage.
your in it now you just have to ride that shit out. continue your 50/20 for the rest of your pct and deal with it. every up has its down this is how it goes. just know the pct drugs are affecting you for the moment and dont make any rash decisions. you will be fine.

Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it. Felt very insecure and depressed and these comments really made me believe it's just the fucking hormones.
I'm going off for 4 months and going to get labs at that point to see where my test levels are, if under 300, I'm going on TRT... fuck feeling like this forever
Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it. Felt very insecure and depressed and these comments really made me believe it's just the fucking hormones.
I'm going off for 4 months and going to get labs at that point to see where my test levels are, if under 300, I'm going on TRT... fuck feeling like this forever

hope it gets better, look forward to your blood results.
Finished my third week of clomid and nolva and feeling much better. I feel almost back to normal thank God!
I am still able to have sex daily so I hope that means my test levels are increasing. I feel really good. Hope I don't crash again.
My cycle was listed above (16 weeks deca, 18 weeks test). Going into week 4 of Pct, should I end it this week or go for 6 weeks total Pct since it was such a long cycle ??