New member
what compounds and weekly doses have you been running? Cycle length etc?
Raise or lower your fats!? there are pretty much no fats in this diet at all. I'd feel like shit on a diet that high in protein with not fats.
what compounds and weekly doses have you been running? Cycle length etc?
I don't believe u would cause I would honestly rip u apart and eat u for dinner and not talking shit eitherAre you trolling with this post? Like are you for real with this post? Do you honestly believe people take you seriously when you talk like that?
I would laugh in your face if I saw you and heard you talking like this
And Matt, we would all look as "big" as you if we dirty bulked all year round like you clearly do. That is why you take almost all your pics in a blury mirror where you can only show the upper half of your body. Take a clear pic of your entire body, then come back and talk shit.
Right now blasting 1500mg test, low dose of tren a 300mg/week, feel good, start of 3rd next week, bUT going to increase my tren to 450-500mg/week
Pin mon, wed, fri
I don't believe u would cause I would honestly rip u apart and eat u for dinner and not talking shit either
yes because you know everything about me right? But then again you don't need to because you are the biggest and baddest killer in the world right? LMAO
like I said you are a joke. no one takes you seriously dude, on this board and I would guess in real life as well
Bro I would honestly like to see u laugh in my face as I don't talk my shit, I have served time, and no I am.not onnhere looking big and bad bUT again it doesn't matter how big u are in will get tag teamed it comes.down to respect.and obviously u talk your shut and have no respect.u would be the first one getting plunged up the ass and I would love to feed ya a couple as well u fuck
Maybe just saying I am not a dude to fuck with in real lifeBro, sounds like you have psychological problems.
Right now blasting 1500mg test, low dose of tren a 300mg/week, feel good, start of 3rd next week, bUT going to increase my tren to 450-500mg/week
Pin mon, wed, fri
Maybe just saying I am not a dude to fuck with in real life
I don't talk my shit on here but also not afraid of shit either
I could hurt a human being and not feel bad about it what so ever if they did something bad to my family I would kill for them
I've served my if ya know what I.mean
Canadian armed forces
Got an assault.charge when I was drinking.and breeched my probation, served time and lost what I had but it took that to realize shit
Bro I would honestly like to see u laugh in my face as I don't talk my shit, I have served time, and no I am.not onnhere looking big and bad bUT again it doesn't matter how big u are in will get tag teamed it comes.down to respect.and obviously u talk your shit and have no respect.u would be the first one getting plunged up the ass and I would love to feed ya a couple as well u fuck
U are prone just some beach boy pretty boy that has.those.nice 6 packs.abs at 170lbs, talk behind.a.comp.making u look like something else! I'd like to.see.u prove me.wrong.cause I would like to knock u the fuck out.and laugh in your face while.u are tweaking on the ground like a little bitch