3 1/2 year transformation pics ( recovering alkie)

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Matt I'm not gonna jump on the wagon and teR you apart as it's obviously very easy. Your doing it too yourself. Stop acting so silly. I am a recovering opiate addict from perks to oxy to heroin and many other drugs all around so you should be proud of your changes in life. Good for you my friend. Now in regards to your physique, no matter your genetics the dosages your on do not reflect in your physique at all. If I were you I'd back off onto a medium test dose like 4-600mg a week. Really figure out your diet and training so you can see the results you can have on much less gear not to mention your health will be in a much better place. During this time I'd also make sure to get your bloods in check and also your attitude. With all this gear use there has to be an end result. What about in 20 years? Does your current approach make sense? Just think about it. Life is short and there are so many things to do,conquer, succeed at, accomplish and simply experience. There is more than what your doing. Now to finish I mean no ill will and wish you the very best but take the good advice from people and leave the bad. Be the bigger man. Some here are a bit harsh but maybe try not jumping down everyone's throat as it won't help. All the best to you.
Not getting into this debate as for onk and ghost take a good.look in the mirror before posting crap
Just cause u did a show on by looking at your pics u got some more work ahead of u, to say my physique is lacking maybe take those words and work.on yourself bro and possibly eat and gain some.size
What domu weigh anyways 180-185?
And ghost post a pic up of yourself.man
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Not getting into this debate as for onk and ghost take a good.look in the mirror before posting crap
Just cause u did a show on by looking at your pics u got some more work ahead of u, to say my physique is lacking maybe take those words and work.on yourself bro and possibly eat and gain some.size
What domu weigh anyways 180-185?
And ghost post a pic up of yourself.man

that's because you're full of shit and would have to admit you have a horrible personality, come on forums and never do anything but fuel your narcissism and make no progress for all your talk. At least take the time to reflect and conceive that you've moved from one addiction to another. You created a thread and posted blood work showing raised liver values. THEN you immediately blast with the conceit you're only running test at 1.5g. THEN you add tren, now you're upping your tren again.

Come on mate, you've got issues but at least listen to yourself.
Matt your not massive at all to say the least. You just have a terrible attitude. You need counseling... these threads are very morbid...
Who really cares man, I cannot produce my natural test ever again, can u onk?
So be it I am a big boy I can make my own decisions, to say I am.addicted is crap, it's not like I am shaking grabbing a god damn needle or going through bad withdraws,
I can say that possibly I abuse steroids, but fuck so be it, then you should say that to all the bb's out there too, taking a hell of a lot.more then me bro
At least I get bloods done,.donate bloods ect ect, do u?
Anyways my point being your not.my dad, I.make.my own decisions on when I want to blast.and when I cruise
U come.on this board ripping on everyone thinking u know it all but u dont
Your a typical dude that did one show and thinks now he knows everything lol, I see this all the time
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Again onk, what's your stats,.weight and height?
Cause looking at your.pics u don't look very dif from u saying u are natural in one and on juice in another, your just lean bro, u still got lots of work like many on here including myself, who doesn't want more anyways its why we goto the gym.to.improve
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Again onk, what's your stats,.weight and height?

Why does that matter Matt?
Is he writing threads asking for critique?

I certainly haven't seen one.

You are TOTALLY missing the point here man.

Don't post pictures, if you aren't prepared to hear things you don't agree with.
Hey i am cool with it brother it just makes.me.go that much harder in the gym.to.improve my.physique, but.to say I haven't changed one bit from.3 years ago.is crap, but whatever, I have he drive.and love the gym and like.I said it just.motivates.me.more to.improve what I got
Hey i am cool with it brother it just makes.me.go that much harder in the gym.to.improve my.physique, but.to say I haven't changed one bit from.3 years ago.is crap, but whatever, I have he drive.and love the gym and like.I said it just.motivates.me.more to.improve what I got

Perfect! Well it sounds as if you are happy, which is the main thing!
So, if you are content and happy with your progress - there is absolutely no requirement to seek affirmation or praise from forum members who don't know you.

I will say this for you though bro. You did an amazing thing stopping the alcohol and the street drugs - which you should be commended for, no doubt.

But it's very obvious that you've replaced these former addictions with AAS. Which really needs addressing.

Ask yourself, could you go a year without AAS blasts, just pinning a TRT dose of Test for 1 whole year.

With regret, I doubt you could.
Honestly Ben.probably not
but again I.am.not the only.one that falls into this category,.it's.a.tough subject,.why do people do aas, why not.just stay natural?
I am far.from.healthy, ya I do eat pretty good, I do.goto the gym, but again.I do.aas, along with everybody here,.there is.nothing healthy about this, we.may think it's healthy but.it isn't
The natural.dudes.that diet right, workout, and don't touch aas are a lot healthier.then us if u like.to believe it.
I tell my Co.workers.all the time when they say u eat good, u.look.good.u must be a health nut, and I tell them straight up I.am.far from.healthy lol, I don't beat behind a.bush.and lie to people, if they ask.ya I tell.them.I do.do steroids.but honestly it's.none.of there business,.but I have got asked.plenty of times.as.the laws are different here on Canada then the states.legal.here for personal use
It's.like asking somebody if they can stay natty.for.a year after they get a taste of aas
I do have an addictive.mind set
It's.tough to.say but at least.aas.is not.mind ultering or getting in trouble.with the law, since I have been sober for.almost 4 years I have not got.into.trouble.with cops
I.made.a lot.of.stupid.decisions when I was.drinking and drugING and at least aas I control.my thoughts.and think.it out before I react unlike when.I was.all.drunk or high
I will always be addicted or.obsessed with something it's just the way my mind works but I.am.working steady.and doesn't effect my work Habbits like alc did ya know what I.mean bro
At least I can still.function, goto work, spend quality time with my.girl.and.my daughter, and enjoy.quality of.life.not being drunk or high and or depressed
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It's one thing cycling AAS safely and efficiently Matt,

It's a whole different ball game cycling 1500mg Test and Tren year round when your liver values are up the wall.
Hey not going to.argue that point but people.that drink.for instance, just cause they drink.everyday do they.get check.ups to.make sure everything is fine.liver wise so.they.can continue.drinking?.I beg to.differ, same with aas now
alot of people just straight blast without even.dropping down for a few months like.myself, just switch up compounds
I.myself at least cruise for a few months then blast again.either or I am.never going to produce my natty test ever again, we.are in the same.ballpark, this shit isn't healthy by all.means, u blast, I blast, but blast more then u, so be it, we decided to.juice.we make our own choices, we all.big boys here and either way u look at it your not healthy by all.means either am.i
don't even bother getting bloods or never once heard of donating.bloods to lower rbc count and such, there are tons out there that do.so and don't have a clue to get bloods done or donate bloods
I wasn't taking nac or any sort of.protection to.protect the liver when running tRen last time, now I take 1000mg.ed.nac and feel a hell.of a lot better not run down like.I felt.like before,.thus was was.running at one.point 800mg/TRen with my.hrt.dose.at 200mg/week
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See I can be a ladies.man too lmao
Chick's do dig the pretty boy look as I was sitting down having a coffee and this hot.blonde.came down and sat beside me the other day and said I was looking hot and jacked lol, so some like that look I dunno but she was looking good herself and she kinda cought me.off guard lol
As she stated she was into wide and big shoulders and wide back I guess is what attracted her I guess I dunno it was weird tho haha
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See I can be a ladies.man too lmao
Chick's do dig the pretty boy look as I was sitting down having a coffee and this hot.blonde.came down and sat beside me the other day and said I was looking hot and jacked lol, so some like that look I dunno but she was looking good herself and she kinda cought me.off guard lol
As she stated she was into wide and big shoulders and wide back I guess is what attracted her I guess I dunno it was weird tho haha

I'm pretty sure ladies like clean mirrors.
Matt you should stop comparing your health to other bodybuilders that abuse steroids. Just since they abuse steroids it doesn't mean you should do it to. Your on a steroid board and people are telling you to slow your role and stop mega dosing that should be a red flag for you. If you continue your current steroid use and cycling at the high doses and small recovery times your doing at the moment you will with out a doubt develop real health problems not just elevated liver enzymes. Lol as gay as this might sound we care about you here at steroidology and thats why we keep telling you to take some time off of blasting and let your blood tests go back to normal for a good ammount of time.

I don't believe in roid rage or anything but I do think you have a tendency towards getting angry, and running high dosages of test and tren are adding to your anger. When you go on any steroid website and post pics people are going to fuck with you if you have a amazing physique or a normal one. You got to not let people who say rude things piss you off so much. Your focusing on all the negative comments and not taking any of the good comments or suggestions to heart. You have admitted on here that you feel like you couldn't go a year with out blasting that is not exactly good, but it is good you admitted it. Personally I think you have a good physique, but I think your using way to much gear and not getting the results you should be from all that gear. I agree with what bigben said earlier about just taking a break from blasting and getting your bodybuilding goals and health under control. I think if you follow that advice your next cycle will bring better gains and you will feel mentally and physically healthier.

At the end of the day yes you are your own man and you don't need us telling you what to do. We are just giving you suggestions that we think would help you. My suggestion would be to at least stay away from tren for like 6 months if your going to blast and replace it with less harsh compounds like masteron, or maybe try just test and npp you can still be lean on those compounds. Still though the bottom line is that you should really consider taking around 6 months off of blasting and just let your whole body recover. If your not going to do it for your self do it because you have a kid and you want to be healthy through out there life. I don't mean that in a bad way or am trying to come off as rude at all. I think not blasting for at least 6 months and just training natural would be a good thing for you.

Dude and you need to forget about prison and the mind set that got you through being in prison. That type of mind set is poison and will not help you in life. You really don't need to beat some one up if they talk shit to you or look at your girlfriend. I understand it feels good to be intimidating to other people but you will feel a lot better just not letting people get to you. You don't want to be angry all the time and on your guard it takes a mental toll on people throughout the years. Best of luck matt I hope you don't take anything I said in the wrong way I think your a cool dude and enjoy reading your posts when your helping out other members.
That last post was amazing.. and I hope you take it to heart, guy's looking out for your best interest.

I think with your interest in diet adjustment, and how to achieve greater health eating properly.. you need to roll with it! Let that be something you latch onto and get deeply curious about. So, you can come off the high doses, short rest intervals, and have something to keep your mind focused on. The depth of nutrition is outstanding and can satisfy my research thirst for hours.

If not nutrition than training, meditation, stretching, yoga, gymnastics, technical fighting, cars, business, ANYTHING!

I hadn't ran a cycle dose of anything since last Winter. In the meantime I asked questions about everything. Acquire mentors here, and use them to guide you to your goals with and without the use of AAS. If you're cruising on low dose Test (200-250mg / wk), there's no reason you can't maintain a perfect diet/training/physique for 6 months between cycles. You don't have to pursue huge, ripped, or god awfully strong 100% of the time. Pursue knowledge. Knowledge IS power. In the age of information that statement holds tenfold it's original said weight! :)

An ex-wife of billionaire Elon Musk was asked about what she thinks it takes to become a billionaire based on her experiences with her former husband. She said to shift focus away from what the world wants, and to instead become deeply and intensely curious about what the world needs! I think the same thought can be applied to any goal really.

I want to be a moderately lean 225lbs. (12-15%), or a ripped 180-190 (8-10%)

My body craves bad food, it cringes at the thought of working out after 9 hrs of work, it wants to instead eat bad and lay around watching TV..

If you become "deeply and intensely curious" about what it needs to get where you want to go.. you will be more effective in your pursuit. More AAS = health problems = permanent complacency = never hitting goals = death of sole purpose.
Thanks guys for the post no.I will not take that in a negative way just a positive way cause u guys took.time.to evaluate the situation and took time to.express how u felt.in that post thanks.mad.scientist.and hype, much appreciated
Reason why I post so.many Damm pics I don't know as I know what some guys feel when they seen somebody posting so.many pics of themselves as I don't do.it on fb just on here I guess
There is a dude on fb tho that I have him as a friend that.post pics like.myself on here all.the time and it.kinda drives me.nuts to.so.I do.understand why.people get annoyed when I post pictures I guess as I know.myself and like the other dude on fb that post pictures up u don't look any dif in a weeks time.let alone in a months time, when u see a dude posting pics up everyday it's like seeing somebody everyday u.know.what I.mean u just don't notice changes to that person but if u haven't seen him.for quite sometime u Def see the progress
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