3.5 weeks out! Damm will this ever end!!


New member
Well, this dieting thing seems to be taking for ever! I'm about on my last nerve and i could just about eat everything in sight. This has to be the longest I have ever dieted and it's about killing me at this point. But i just need to hang in there and get through the next few weeks!
As mentioned in the title I'm 218 lbs and just tightening up with every pound at this point. Hope things come together on time!!!!
Lookin aweseome man! I know dieting can be a bitch, but at the end of the day when I'm sure it will be worth all the sacrifice.
are you tanning? BTW do you have or did you post pics before you started dieting?
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Believe me....I hear ya.

Chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, smarties, salt and vinegar chips, Quizno's pizza sub, McChicken sandwiches, Mcdonalds french fries, lasagna, sweet and sour pork, jellybeans, chocolate milk, cheesecake, hamburgers, cheese nachos with extra beef, brownies, cupcakes, pizza, donairs, waffles smothered in whipping cream and strawberries, milkshakes, oreos, pasta with alfredo sauce and lots of parmesan cheese, caesar salad, etc.

Hope that doesn't torture you. :laugh3: Haha....that's what I'm eating after my contest.....and all in one night. I could care less if I gain back 20 pounds....women look better at higher levels of bodyfat anyways! :)
Miss Muscle said:
Believe me....I hear ya.

Chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, smarties, salt and vinegar chips, Quizno's pizza sub, McChicken sandwiches, Mcdonalds french fries, lasagna, sweet and sour pork, jellybeans, chocolate milk, cheesecake, hamburgers, cheese nachos with extra beef, brownies, cupcakes, pizza, donairs, waffles smothered in whipping cream and strawberries, milkshakes, oreos, pasta with alfredo sauce and lots of parmesan cheese, caesar salad, etc.

Hope that doesn't torture you. :laugh3: Haha....that's what I'm eating after my contest.....and all in one night. I could care less if I gain back 20 pounds....women look better at higher levels of bodyfat anyways! :)

LOL! I think what you listed constitued one cheat meal for me when I was cutting....

Big, I'm sure it's been a big change! What weight/bf were you comin down from?
looking good, you look right on track for 3.5 weeks out
The dieting sucks, you wonder what the hell motivated you to put yourself through that, but you come too far to quit, it sucks some serious ass....
needsize said:
looking good, you look right on track for 3.5 weeks out
The dieting sucks, you wonder what the hell motivated you to put yourself through that, but you come too far to quit, it sucks some serious ass....

I'm going out of my mind at this point!!! I try to lead a 'normal' life so that it dosen't effect everyone else around me. Like for mothers day I had BBQ for my wife and her mother cooked chicken, steak, ceaser salad, wings, drinks you name it and I had to sit there and eat straight protein for two days!! At this point 3.5 weeks out all I am thinking about is food. I would understand if this was my first time dieting for a show, but since I had a 3 year lay off after doing the 2004 Ontario's I'm just having a hard time these last few weeks. And that I will be dieting 8 weeks longer than usual.
you look outstanding, i'm sure you'll see more extreme seporation in the ab area these next 3 weeks, good luck man...and go nuts after the show, PIZZA
Ok, here is my big secret for quads........I always had lagging quads, but I was strong in squats over a 500 lbs squat! I never saw improvements or very little and my knees were bothering me so much. I switched to doing front squats and bam quads started to grow! Heavy front squats with good form and alos my knee's don't hurt nearly as much.