3 herniated discs spinal epidural tomorrow


New member
a bit nervous tomorrow due for 2 spinal epidurals,1 on either side of my low back. i have been limited on my life for months ,now dr. says lets try this.
i told him i am on test he said no problem(i was concerened about mixing drugs).
i am looking to see if anybody has tried these shots?
Often takes 2-3 injections to work properly; for some, I'd say around 5%, the epidurals work for as long as a year or more. For me, they did nothing. I've had 3 herniated disks, and, knock on wood, have been able to minimize my bought of pain to only one episode every 6-10 months. How? Lots of Glucosamine Condroit., and the right workouts. The latter is the key. Don't be nervous, the shots are nothing.
I have had 2 lower back procedures ! A micro-desectomy and a laminectomy boh at level l-5, S-1. I went through the process of having epidurals and facet injections. For me none of them did nothing due to the size of the rupture. However, now for pain management I get them and they truly work wonders. Keep in mind they will give you corticoid steroids, not the same as Anabolic !
i undersatnd not anabolic ,my question to MLB56 is any reactions from the epidurals ,i read somewhere that it can raise bp..just wondering what it may cause while i'm on test? and will the epidural stop the low back spasm that i get?
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No problem to raise in BP. The Dr. giving you a good mixture of meds. Those meds are systemkic to a extent, meaning they go throughout the body, however are concentrated in that area of the back. You should be just fine. If concerned I would mention it to the Dr., just tell him sometimes you have had a reaction in that your BP went a little high. You might also tell him you get red, that is from the cortisone, very common. He will put you at rest ! You will be absolutly fine !
MLB56 said:
I have had 2 lower back procedures ! A micro-desectomy and a laminectomy boh at level l-5, S-1. I went through the process of having epidurals and facet injections. For me none of them did nothing due to the size of the rupture. However, now for pain management I get them and they truly work wonders. Keep in mind they will give you corticoid steroids, not the same as Anabolic !

wow we are like a coin. I've had all that done too.

but the injections for the l4 have not worked. I live with it