

New member
I just got in my 100g test E powder and 100g deca powder. I want to make these at 300mg/ml and I cannot find any instructions on how to do this. If I were to use 20g of enanthate powder, how much oil/BA would I need to make this at 300mg/ml?

you dont need any BA. they ae both soluable in oil. 20g @ 300mg/ml = 66.6 ml

1g powder = approx. 1ml solution.

BA is basically useless in oily solutions for an antimicrobial. it is effective in aqueous solutions against gram positive bacteria, however this is in conjuinction with autoclaving @ 120c for 60 minutes. For oily solutions filtration in conjunction with heat sterization (250-275f for 60 minutes) is the most effective way to insure a bacteria free end solution.

good luck
I can post the data and lab results stating plainly what i just stated. ba is not effective against gram negative bacteria. gram neg bac is contained in the membrane walls of endotoxins. meningitus is one example of gram neg bac. deadly stuff. i only use ba as a solvent. it is a great water based solvent but dont fooled into believing that it is an end all for sterility. it does have some anti bac qualities but not to the point people believe. also according the european pharmacopoeia BA is classified more as a perservative or antimicrobial. as a general rule antimicrobials dont kill bacteria but rather inhibit or slow growth of micro organisms. now there will always be some exceptions to the rule. but these are far and few between. as i stated earlier for oily solutions filtration and heat sterilization is the safest route to follow. if youy want to add some BA to make you feel better by all meansd go ahead as it is as cheap as water.

no disrepect to johnny b just sharing what i have learned over the last few years. I have never had an infection using these principal but have had a couple from using european/mex gear which is, as we all know, loaded with ba. often times 10% or better. that in its self blows the ba for sterility theory out of the water.

good luck all and happy experimemnting.
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pullinbig is right.

BA is bacteriostatic at best. I use it as a solvent and to keep any potentialy introduced bacteria from colonizing my brew.
things are goin' ok. Just getting over 10days of bronchitis, which sucks because everything was going perfectltly. slowed me down a bit.

I have not done any Winstrol (winny) exp since the last batch, to busy with work. I still plan on doing it though, it'l just be a while.