300mg vs 600mg of testosterone

Currently on week 2 of a 8 week 600mg per week of test c, what should next cyle of test c look like? 300mg a week for a few weeks then back to 600mg per week for another cycle?

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great read, would the same apply for testoviron or not because it has 2 compounds, you would only need to inject once every 7 days but split it over 2 days if u like?
I mean i have high test but if i wanted more i would try T-BOMB or some over the counter TEST booster optimizer or product i even think they offer more than 300mg or 600mg and it seems efficent and cost worthy
damn, 600mg/wk test e for 20 weeks!!

that isn't bad?

Shit, I might as well do this onmy next cycle. 5 months

its bad, drops your hdl, not good to have for extended periods of time as it puts plaque on your arteries
below is from the article
In other words the more testosterone administered the greater the muscle building effects and potential for side effects.
Currently on week 2 of a 8 week 600mg per week of test c, what should next cyle of test c look like? 300mg a week for a few weeks then back to 600mg per week for another cycle?


Hello all..hope you all are fine..i am new to this forum..lets make this forums interesting by doing some good posts..

I am newbie. Starting first cycle anavar @ 50 mg Ed for 6 weeks. Question is, would it be worth it to throw in 300 mg of test a week for 6 to 8 weeks? By the sounds of this ( brilliant) article it wouldnt be a bad idea. Any thoughts welcome.

nobody replied those guys...totally rejected :gives:
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Question...I'm sure all of you have heard a million times...I have been taking my gear for about 6 wks now Test 250 & tren twice a wk...proper dose etc...been eating and workout properly. Been over 2 years since my last cyl... Received my gear from a friend...who's friend makes it...I have received minimum results (a bit stronger). When should I start seeing the result? My other cyls seemed to have affected me some what now.
Weight: 160
height: 5'11
age: mid 30's
Sounds like your gear is bunk, or you haven't been training properly! Do you make good gains off gear? If not, then I would say that your training and diet is deficient.