30ML Test & 20ML Tren + a handfull of Dbol, what to do?

I balkan

New member
Hi there co-Starvation causers!

Just came back from working overseas so i have a good six months to workout and complete an cycle.

So i opened up my magic hormone box and this is what i got for my next cycle:

- 2 half empty bottles of 250mg / ml testosterone enanthate Signature pharma = 10ML total
- 2 full bottles of 250mg / ml testosterone enanthate Endurexx = 20ML total
- 2 full bottles of 150mg / ml trenbolone enanthate Podexx
- 300 - 350 +- tabs of dianabol 10 mg Blue hearts

My previous cycle was 500 mg test-e, 30 mg dbol. Great results, loved the cycle. But i am unsure what i want to do now.
Either one big cycle or split it in two cycles. My goal is to bulk up some good mass. (even with Tren yes)

Idea's and suggestions are very much welcome, would love to hear something from a fresh pair of eyes!

Thanks a lot guys
Gonna need another bottle of tren. I'd suggest you switch to ace but since you already have it you probably won't listen. Reason for that is it sounds like your 1st go with tren and if you react badly to it ace is outta your system much faster
Thank you guys for the quick replies, i appreciate your input!

As the esters are longer I would suggest running it 12 weeks.

Was already planning to the 12 weeks, just like the last time. 12 weeks seemed like the perfect length.

Gonna need another bottle of tren. I'd suggest you switch to ace but since you already have it you probably won't listen. Reason for that is it sounds like your 1st go with tren and if you react badly to it ace is outta your system much faster

I just wanted to do a cycle with what i have on hand now. I will just need to deal with what ever sides tren might bring me.

Someone suggested this on another board:

1-12 Test e @250mg
1-4 dbol kicker @40mg
1-10 Tren e @300mg

VS 500 mg test-e, 50mg dbol, what do you guys think? What would be a stronger cycle?
That doesn't sound like fun. What if you start lactating?
Lactating from the test-e, dbol? Had no problems last time mate.
Just trying to make a good cycle before i leave for another 6 months guys, i'm not trolling around, neither do i have experience with tren that's why i am asking here.

Enough experienced lads that also have experience with tren. From what i read Tren is excellent both for cutting and bulking but i have no idea how these two cycles would compare..

Anyhow i already appreciate you guys thinking with me!
Did you pct after your last cycle and if you did what did the pct consist of? Also i don't see any mention of a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or something for prolactin control from the tren
Did you pct after your last cycle and if you did what did the pct consist of? Also i don't see any mention of a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or something for prolactin control from the tren

Hi there Bigkit, my last cycle my PCT consisted of nolvadex and clomid. I will be using aridimex for this cycle.

What is your opinion on the tren? Is it a good mass gainer or should i just go with high test and dbol?
arimadex for pct?! Bro take a step back from the roids and find out what they do before putting them into the body.
arimadex for pct?! Bro take a step back from the roids and find out what they do before putting them into the body.

I failed to explain myself properly pete: I will be using Nolvadex & clomid for PCT however i will run aridimex allong the whole cycle.
Even though 300mg tren ew is on somewhat the low side, I know you would see some results. But you should look into something to combat prolactin issues better to have if needed than to not have it when needed.
Even though 300mg tren ew is on somewhat the low side, I know you would see some results. But you should look into something to combat prolactin issues better to have if needed than to not have it when needed.
So basically both estrogen AND prolactin can give you gyno?

Your gonna need prami or caber for prolactin control if you run tren
Thank you for the tip, didn't think i would need prolactin control when using an AI.

Ah, Gotcha. Didn't mean to sound like an ass.

My mistake, no biggie Pete

Could you guys comment on the cycles? Your personal opinion, on what would be the best mass gainer? 250mg test, 300 tren, 40 dbol vs 500 test e, 50 dbol
