30ML Test & 20ML Tren + a handfull of Dbol, what to do?

Also yes bpth estrogen and prolactin can cause gyno. Using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to keep estro low sometimes makes it less likely prolactin problems arise, but some people develop prolactin issues no matter what. Its a good idea to be proactive and use both
High tren low test is usually for a recomp not a bulk. I usually use tren that way and run it low test, but I've ran my test higher than tren in the past. Having ran tren in 8 cycles in the past i can tell you that you won't know what works best with the least sides. Also kinda contradictory that you would bring that up because when o suggested ace earlier in the thread you rebuffed my suggestion and said you would just have to deal with the sides if they occur. Maybe your not ready for tren this time maybe start with deca to get your feet wet with 19nors
I have seen people run it both ways, low test high tren or the same dose for both. Especially your first go with tren, i would run test around 300, same with your tren. Thats what I will be doing maybe in 10 months or so. Get some primi or caber to help with the sides from tren if you got them. If you start seeing gyno and your on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the test, than you know its the tren. Or if your little man dont work, or pushin rope as some would put it haha, you would sure want to have something on hand to control the release of progestogens.
I have seen people run it both ways, low test high tren or the same dose for both. Especially your first go with tren, i would run test around 300, same with your tren. Thats what I will be doing maybe in 10 months or so. Get some primi or caber to help with the sides from tren if you got them. If you start seeing gyno and your on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the test, than you know its the tren. Or if your little man dont work, or pushin rope as some would put it haha, you would sure want to have something on hand to control the release of progestogens.

My thoughts were like you're saying: 300mg tren, 250mg test, 40mg/50mg dbol. Might go with 40 since 30 worked fine last time.

High tren low test is usually for a recomp not a bulk. I usually use tren that way and run it low test, but I've ran my test higher than tren in the past. Having ran tren in 8 cycles in the past i can tell you that you won't know what works best with the least sides. Also kinda contradictory that you would bring that up because when o suggested ace earlier in the thread you rebuffed my suggestion and said you would just have to deal with the sides if they occur. Maybe your not ready for tren this time maybe start with deca to get your feet wet with 19nors

I of course don't have experience with tren myself, but when i read about high test low tren it's always bad news (all sides, no sleep, sweats etc etc), while low test high tren seems to be praised like some devine invention without sides. So yes, maybe i'm contradicting myself, but i'd rather choose a road that's the best and hopefully with the least sides instead of the road with less results and more. But then again what do i know? I came here to hear from people like you that have actual experience, so that i can put my cycle together.

High test low tren and high tren low test, both should be able to give you enough mass. Food doesn't just dissapear in thin air. I would like to hear some more experienced users on this topic, very curious to hear experience instead of textbook.

Thank you for contributing guys keep it comming, great community right here!
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