31 years old NEWbie about to take a Winstol pills for the first time and have questio


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Ok so I have read and read about what to excpect from a winstrol only cycle.. and what not to excpect I have heard about the possible side effects from taking it..
I have not used any steroid in my life so here is a little history.. I am 31 years old I am 5'9" I weigh 175lbs I have been working out consistantly for as long as I can remember and have always maintained a cut and athletic build. Especially when I diet and focus on cut. I have been training mma for 5 years and my body has def taken some abuse from it.. I suffured a back injury that put me out of the gym all together for 3 months I gained 18 lbs of fat .. when I got back my work out schedule was strength and conditioning 6 days a week and at night mma / training 3 -4 nights a week for 2 hours at a time.. Im on a strict diet I was able to lose the 18 lbs I gained and am pretty cut now.. but cant seem to get shredded the way I would really like to be even if just to look ripped..
I DO NOT want to get big or bulky but would like to just get leaner or more cut.. some one I know recommended winstrol pills to me and once I saw the side effect of hair loss and a soft dick.. I started second guessing the whole thing. Im sure someone will tell me im not ready for steroids or I need to read more but really Im hoping I could get an opinion .. with this being where Im at physically and that being where I wana be is winstrol something that could get me thr with minimul sides?? if I use it just for 6 weeks and stop.. would I need milk thistle for my liver fish oil for my joints.. and do I need something to counter act it turning into estrogen?? any feed back would be cool thanx in advance for you time.
didnt say I read everything ... tx I read the thread.. I was always told that oral was worse for you then while researching winstrol read something that said it would be more effective for men to take it orally but woman injections would be better and it had all these medical reasons why . so I think it confused me.
If i wanted the goals you were talking about and still wanted to feel good and have cock like rock I would take short ester testosterone and have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) available.

If you know how to eat you will not get puffy on test. I think that is misconception and is total horse shit.

I would shit can the winstrol idea. Bad for joints and lipids. Makes collagen brittle, no good for fighting right? If you want some collagen systhesis benifits add in some oxandrolone or primo. thats what i would do.

Dont worry, you are not going to blow up like a fucking balloon. That is also mis conception.
If i wanted the goals you were talking about and still wanted to feel good and have cock like rock I would take short ester testosterone and have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) available.

If you know how to eat you will not get puffy on test. I think that is misconception and is total horse shit.

I would shit can the winstrol idea. Bad for joints and lipids. Makes collagen brittle, no good for fighting right? If you want some collagen systhesis benifits add in some oxandrolone or primo. thats what i would do.

Dont worry, you are not going to blow up like a fucking balloon. That is also mis conception.


I added some oral winstrol in on a cycle about a year ago and my joints hurt like a bitch. I will never run it again.
nah sore joints def not good for fighting.. my joints ALREADY hurt haha Im leaning toward lowering my carb intake and focusing on cut with maybe a good fat burner.. most likely winstrol is not for me.. atleast at this point. tx for the input.
Right if you are looking to cut just adjust your diet. If you are looking to cut and maintain your muscle mass the take mates advice and add some test to your new diet.