35 yr old need help.


New member
hey guys need some info. i started at 210 with 19 bf now at 185 with 12 bf. been going at it a year now and thinking about doing my first cycle. let me know what you think. i know i have a long way to go.
well first off congrats on the weight lose... you look to be in decent enough condition to do a cycle. assuming your diets in check, and your lifting properly I don't think a little Test would hurt you at all
good shape. i have my right arm sleeved. good ink.
id say test at 500 mgs every week. have your post cycle therapy at hand.
Are you trying to lean out more or add bulk? You will be stoked on your first cycle..read the 300mg sticky post. Good luck and do before and after pics.
trying to bulk up till jan then want to lean out for a novice bb show in my town in march of 08. thanks for the feedback. ( hair is red not pink but might get rid of it how knows)