3rd cycle Test/EQ...1st time logging

Week 8 starts today. Very little change to report from last week. My overall feeling/mood is still the same, sex drive is still great (most all of our sessions are porno worthy, minus the third party). Workouts are still great with excellent pumps especially considering I don’t take any preworkout or pump type supps. Doc seems to think my shoulder may be another partial tear in my rotator (already has this problem once) but I’m not dropping $1,000 on an mri to get told to rest, ice and rehab. So I plan to do what I did the last time and rehab it myself for free.
Anyway, I am still having some anger or aggravation issues but I’m naturally a very mellow person so it’s still not very noticeable to most people and I’m pretty good at controlling my emotions so it really hasn’t been a problem just an annoyance. My weight didn’t change any from the last week for the 1st time since the cycle started. Not really sure what to credit that to but I’ve actually gained a little more than anticipated to this point, so I won’t sweat it unless I don’t gain this week. Then I’ll look at changing my workout routine (which I may need to do regardless) or doing something different with my diet.
If you don't gain next week, you should look at diet first and workout routine second bro.
Don't forget that 6-8 lbs lmm per cycle is pretty good. Anything above it tends to be water.

Why are you feeling anger/aggravation issues ? Any specific scenarios ?
If you don't gain next week, you should look at diet first and workout routine second bro.
Don't forget that 6-8 lbs lmm per cycle is pretty good. Anything above it tends to be water.

Why are you feeling anger/aggravation issues ? Any specific scenarios ?

Your absolutely right, diet is the key. I just added that part about my training because I’ve been at the same 1 for about 16-20 weeks so it’s probably time to mix it up. As far as my aggression, obviously some increases are a direct correlation to the T level increases over natty, but it’s just odd for me in that this is my 3rd cycle and I had zero issues with my 2 previous. Both of the previous also ran the same or slightly more T and from what research I’ve done EQ isn’t known for causing that issue.
There isn’t anything in particular that is driving anger, as far as situational, just normal everyday occurrences that I would typically brush off I find myself dwelling on for hours or even days later. Again, I don’t think I express it much if at all. My wife has noticed some, but she hasn’t said a lot. I just know for myself, being someone that lets things roll off me like water off a ducks back; it’s been tough. Almost like I’m at the line in the sand...haven’t stepped over but 1 small push may set me off balance
That sounds more like estrogen issues rather than higher testosterone in your body, specially the part of dwelling on it for hours or even days, I was similar when I had pretty high e2.
Have you verified your changes to AI doses with follow up blood work ?

I've upped my AI significantly and it still kept creeping up so your increase of only 0.125mg per week is not huge and your e2 values could be even higher today.
Personally, I needed 3 blood work and weeks to get it right and now I've managed to crash it instead, but that took over a month running both adex and aromasin at high doses lol...
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That sounds more like estrogen issues rather than higher testosterone in your body, specially the part of dwelling on it for hours or even days, I was similar when I had pretty high e2.
Have you verified your changes to AI doses with follow up blood work ?

I've upped my AI significantly and it still kept creeping up so your increase of only 0.125mg per week is not huge and your e2 values could be even higher today.
Personally, I needed 3 blood work and weeks to get it right and now I've managed to crash it instead, but that took over a month running both adex and aromasin at high doses lol...

I really hadn’t planned on follow up labs. With my E just barely being on the high side I felt like that would be enough increase to level me out without fear of crashing. Then again, even though EQ isn’t known for its high rate of aromitizing, my body may think otherwise. I know my last cycle was 500mg T/ 300ish mg deca and my E was perfect at 0.25mg adex E2.5 days. The adex is straight out of an American pharmacy so it should be good as any.
I’m not having any other symptoms of excessive E...blood pressure good, no water retention that I can tell. Just scared of going too much, been on the crashed E end...sucks way worse than high E
Thats all fine and dandy but without blood work we're both just guessing. since you've made a change, it would make sense to monitor and followed up, specially since you're feeling something is off.
Not sure what they charge you but my estrogen test costs 29 usd, not much to argue about for me at least.
Week 9 starts today. Again another near mirror image of last week. Didn’t gain again making 2 consecutive weeks, but I do have a culprit for this weeks lack of gains...diet or mainly lack there of. The past week I failed to hit my macros 5 of the 7 days; normal life events (work, softball, meetings...etc) got the better of me and I just didn’t eat. Body composition continues to get better each week despite my failures the last 2... (Guess I should have been posting progress picks this whole time).
I’ve been putting it off but I will be donating blood at the end of the week...really looking forward to that. On a more positive note I did hit a new sumo deadlift Pr at 365lb. Now I realize that’s not much weight but I think Ive sumo’d maybe twice before and I undoubtedly could have pulled a little more but Pr’s really aren’t a big deal to me, either way I was happy about it.
Sex life is still great, but I really have to hand it to the wife; she’s been hanging in there like a champ...lol. Every day sessions with several 2 a days for 3 weeks straight and she’s as ready to go as I am.
My agression issue seems to have improved as I was more like my normal self this past week. I have been getting very hot (body wise) from time to time with my neck especially seemingly staying warm and red. My bp has been good, but I wonder if this could be due to my rising hematocrit or if it’s just due to the increased metabolic rate. Possible could be related to my cholesterol meds, which I just changed.
Regardless I am still very satisfied with my 1st run of Eq, at least this far, still got several more weeks to go
Just a quick update. I’ve been checking my bp everyday at work this week and it has been elevated. My normal pressure is around 125-130/75...it has been running about 145/80. I go Monday to donate so between now and then I have increased my water intake and started taking a baby aspirin to help thin my blood a little. I really feel like my hematocrit is to blame for this, so I think those steps will help until I give blood. I’ll post again if those steps help any.
Also I forgot to mention, my acne showed up this past week. Now I am very prone to acne. I had it all through highschool and even have some problems with body acne now when I’m off cycle. I really should have gone to a dermatologist before now and got a script, but I don’t want to go now. More than likely they’ll want to do bloods to see how the meds effect me and I’m sure mine are probably a little out of whack at the moment. I had acne with both my previous 2 cycles, with my 1st being pretty bad (got scars from that). I shower twice a day, use acne washes, cleaning pads between, creams sometimes during the day and tan twice a week. This keeps it from getting to cystic levels. My biggest problem is work. This time of year our operation can be at 100 deg F everyday and we are required to have no exposed skin below the neck. So the constant sweat mixed with air that’s saturated with oils and coolants is a bad mix. (What dumbass does a summer bulk anyway?...maybe I’ll figure this out some day.)
At 49.2% you really should donate regardless, I would definitely have done it already.

But i'm willing to bet that your high blood pressure and accompanying acne is high estrogen.
I was on the fence last time we discussed it, now im 100% sure.

Will be very interesting to see if i'm wrong or right :P
At 49.2% you really should donate regardless, I would definitely have done it already.

But i'm willing to bet that your high blood pressure and accompanying acne is high estrogen.
I was on the fence last time we discussed it, now im 100% sure.

Will be very interesting to see if i'm wrong or right :P

I appreciate your replies santa. Kinda hard to get much feedback/traffic on here apparently. I honestly don’t think my E is elevated. Acne problems are something I deal with off cycle. Last cycle my E stayed 20-25 the while time (3 sets of labs) and I had acne the whole time. But, I will agree that I probably should get it ran again. Just hard for me, closest lab is over a hour away so I have to really work around it.
As far as donating, I have been putting it off simple out of being a pu$$y. I hate blood and needles (yeah, I know right), but I am going Monday no matter what.
I will try and get bloods again after I donate to recheck my hematocrit and E. If so, and my E is high I will bow down and acknowledge Santa666 as the “all knowing” and my mentor and hero...lol. If I’m right you can make a post with the heading “Body_weight the Great!” telling how much you admire me...lol
I appreciate your replies santa. Kinda hard to get much feedback/traffic on here apparently. I honestly don***8217;t think my E is elevated. Acne problems are something I deal with off cycle. Last cycle my E stayed 20-25 the while time (3 sets of labs) and I had acne the whole time. But, I will agree that I probably should get it ran again. Just hard for me, closest lab is over a hour away so I have to really work around it.
As far as donating, I have been putting it off simple out of being a pu$$y. I hate blood and needles (yeah, I know right), but I am going Monday no matter what.
I will try and get bloods again after I donate to recheck my hematocrit and E. If so, and my E is high I will bow down and acknowledge Santa666 as the ***8220;all knowing***8221; and my mentor and hero...lol. If I***8217;m right you can make a post with the heading ***8220;Body_weight the Great!***8221; telling how much you admire me...lol

Hahah. No need for all that lol... I just think its fun trying to puzzle together whats going on ;)
I do agree, they use quite huge needles for donating and I honestly think its hurts myself but its such an amazing feeling after, like you've removed toxins from your blood!!
Its also pretty big health risks associated with high hematocrit, thats when you start discussing death side effects.

Hopefully its just high and you wont have to drive for an hour, I guess we'll both find out on monday evening ;)
1 day shy of Week 10.
Donated blood this morning and feel much better. No doubt that I let it get too high for me. It was my 1st time donating and the experience was as bad as I had expected...lol. I walked in with a bp of 160/86 and a pulse of 98 (little nervous), just before they hit me with the smelling salts it was 100/50...I got a little sweaty and pale, to say the least. Oh well, process complete. I’m going to watch my bp all this week and see if it goes back to normal with the hematocrit drop, my neck is already less red and not as hot. If it still seems high then I’ll be doing more bloods next week to figure out what I got going on.
As far as the cycle, everything is on track. I picked up another 3/4 lb and my training and recovery have been good. Recovery has actually been great because I’ve been able to deadlift heavy twice a week. I still can’t tell that I’ve gained any fat but I haven’t caliper tested to compare. Sex drive is still through the roof and the wife has still been happy to oblige. Actually she has been sweating me coming off and the subsequent tank of said drive that’s follows. She has decided to run her 1st cycle (if I can find some real Var) and if what I’ve read is true about her sex drive then it could get real bad...lol. We are actually planning on going to Panama in the early fall for our anniversary. No kids and both of us on cycle...be like two college kids meeting on spring break.
1 day shy of Week 10.
Donated blood this morning and feel much better. No doubt that I let it get too high for me. It was my 1st time donating and the experience was as bad as I had expected...lol. I walked in with a bp of 160/86 and a pulse of 98 (little nervous), just before they hit me with the smelling salts it was 100/50...I got a little sweaty and pale, to say the least. Oh well, process complete. I***8217;m going to watch my bp all this week and see if it goes back to normal with the hematocrit drop, my neck is already less red and not as hot. If it still seems high then I***8217;ll be doing more bloods next week to figure out what I got going on.
As far as the cycle, everything is on track. I picked up another 3/4 lb and my training and recovery have been good. Recovery has actually been great because I***8217;ve been able to deadlift heavy twice a week. I still can***8217;t tell that I***8217;ve gained any fat but I haven***8217;t caliper tested to compare. Sex drive is still through the roof and the wife has still been happy to oblige. Actually she has been sweating me coming off and the subsequent tank of said drive that***8217;s follows. She has decided to run her 1st cycle (if I can find some real Var) and if what I***8217;ve read is true about her sex drive then it could get real bad...lol. We are actually planning on going to Panama in the early fall for our anniversary. No kids and both of us on cycle...be like two college kids meeting on spring break.

Thanks for the update, looks like you all are going to have a good summer and fall.
It’s early into Week 10 but I thought I’d give a little update. It’s 2 days past donation and my overall feeling of health has only gotten better. My bp has fell back down to just slightly above my norm and the heat and redness in my neck and chest has all but gone.
I’m struggling to eat again which I have been dealing with for the last couple weeks. It would seem that the appetite increases I got early on from the Eq has subsided. Oh well, good while it lasted. Been considering lowering my carbs and upping my fats to make it easier to hit my overall cal. #’s, but that may not benefit me in the end. I’m not 3j for sure.
I plan to rerun my labs or at least my E next week when I get off work. I feel something is off due to some odd symptoms: sex drive this week has been very low (zero involuntary erections), and I have had some pretty high anxiety and general feeling of insecurity. These are not traits natural to me. I really beginning to wonder if I have pushed my E a little low. I had already upped my dose a little after my mid-cycle labs had it a tad high, then I upped it again after the high bp showed up and the acne. Currently at 0.5mg adex e3d. Still not a lot but it’s pharma so I know it’s good and it has swung my #’s hard in the past.
On a good not I got the wife’s Var ordered. Researched a dozen brands but in the end everybody had mixed reviews so I took my best educated guess...hope I’m right. If not by the time we make Panama for our anniversary she might have more swinging between her legs than me.
Week 11
So the roller coaster ride continues with my weight. Toward the end of the week it did start to turn in the right direction. To date I am at 10.5lb gain. The past week has been hell with work. It has been miserably hot and I have gotten less than 4 hours of sleep each day (been on midnights). Just worked off midnights yesterday for another month so hopefully I’ll start to get back to my old self.
My sex drive is coming back but is no where near my week 7-8 levels. My acne is about the same but hasn’t gotten any worse. It’s isolated to my lower middle back which is odd. On my previous cycles it was all upper back and shoulders. I still believe my E is low so I have decided to drop my adex back to 0.5mg E3.5d. I’ll have an opportunity to get labs in about another week to check my E again.
Something that I haven’t mentioned since early on in the cycle but has continued are night sweats and very odd, vivid dreams. Again, I usually don’t see these sides associated with Eq but they’ve been pretty consistent the whole time. Really beginning to wonder if my Eq isn’t just all Eq.
My strength is still good and my workouts haven’t suffered despite my other issues. I’ve decided to keep my diet steady with the exception of adding more fats and slightly more protein. Gonna push to around 90-100 grams of fat and 260p and give myself an extra 200 cal or so to work with to help on my weight gain.
My wife started her Var 2 days ago so I may either start a log for her or just run it alongside mine.
So that’s the plan going forward...thanks for following along
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Always so focused on the weight bro :P
But how are you feeling ? Have it been a good cycle ? Anything bad ?
There you are...glad some damn body actually reads these things.
Anyway, yeah I am a little focused on the weight, but it is a bulk and it’s hard to measure bulk without weight gain. As far as overall feeling, I feel good. Much better than last week. I’ll probably get more into that when I post Tuesday or Wednesday (that’s starts my week). Honestly so far I am happy with my results, but don’t think anyone in this sport is ever satisfied.
There you are...glad some damn body actually reads these things.
Anyway, yeah I am a little focused on the weight, but it is a bulk and it’s hard to measure bulk without weight gain. As far as overall feeling, I feel good. Much better than last week. I’ll probably get more into that when I post Tuesday or Wednesday (that’s starts my week). Honestly so far I am happy with my results, but don’t think anyone in this sport is ever satisfied.

I always read everything bro but not always I have something to say (believe it or not LOL).
Satisfied with results and satisfied are two completely different things in my world.
Personally I go cycle by cycle, otherwise I would just do some stupid shit and hurt myself :P
I really like Eq, slow gains but lean and steady, very low water retention, PCT and Macros look good. I also notice you nailed it with Eq when it comes to cycle duration and ester release time to clear. I think you got it. Hope you make the most of it! And srry for bad english.
I really like Eq, slow gains but lean and steady, very low water retention, PCT and Macros look good. I also notice you nailed it with Eq when it comes to cycle duration and ester release time to clear. I think you got it. Hope you make the most of it! And srry for bad english.
Thanks and no worries with the English. I’m from America and mine sucks...maybe it’s a southern thing?