The semi-high e2 number is probably also holding back some total test. Did you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through post cycle therapy (pct) or just your serm?
This looks good. You lh is at a decent level and fsh is on the low side of normal but what this shows is that your body is now producing test and hpta is recovering. Your test could be low or normal but I would just continue to train and give your self a few weeks. You are well on your way to recovery.
Your e2 is a little high. 25-28 is better. Next time use aromisin.
Do u happen o have any previous blood work on hand? Were you hydrated at the time of the test? Are u black? What's your bf %?
Your kidney function, while still "normal" is definitely low. A eGFR under 60 is pretty much kidney disease. As age goes up, down goes GFR, so if I were you, I'd be asking the doc to refer me to a kidney specialist.
Sorry, not trying to scare u, but you need to ale care of this for your best interest
Your kidneys look fine. Those numbers are elevated in all weight lifters. Yes I prefer aromisin for a number of reasons. Adex will mess up lipids after some time. Aromisin works well with serms and wont cause estro to rebound.
12.5 mg ED should be plenty if you need it. If that doesn't work then move up to 25mg. I know guys using as much as 50mg a day with no issues. I suggest using the least amount possible.
im guessing the numbers would lok better in another month .
did you do a fasting blood work with 12 hours since last meal ?
Not black, I'm 9-10% bf, and on my 8th wk test bloodwork, I had an egfr of 54, and creatinine level of 1.58. I've read alot about kidneys, and it seems like serious weightlifters, high protein intake, and even creatine, have alot to do with those numbers, and I do alot of all of them..