4/25/13 Mr supps Thursday Sale 20% off HELLADROL!!


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This thursdays sale, we are having 20% off HELLADROL!.Sale starts Thursdays 4/25/13 at 2 pm est and ends 4/27/13 at midnight!

20% Discount code =cheaphella

link to mr supps store--->https://www.mrsupps.com/Products/7/Helladrol/

What is in Helladrol?

Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings per Container: 180

Amount Per Serving:

4-chloro-17a-Methyl-Androsta-1, 4-diene-3,17-diol - 25 mg.

What kind of results can I expect from Helladrol?

Helladrol is the product of choice for people looking to gain as much strength, power, endurance, hardness, and definition without getting massively huge in the process. This is not to say one cannot gain a good amount of mass while using Helladrol but rather that this is not its specialty.

The Strength and muscle gains that come from a short cycle of Helladrol have been known to leave most users nothing short of speechless. Gains with Helladrol are hard and lean because it does not aromatize to any type of estrogen.

Do I need Post Cycle Therapy after using Helladrol?

Helladrol is a powerful androgen and although it does not shut you down as hard as some of its much stronger counterparts it still requires a good post cycle therapy.

Forma-Stanzol 5 pumps in the morning and 5 pumps at night for 4 weeks is a great base for post cycle therapy (pct) after Helladrol. Running Hcgenerate or a double dose of bridge during the cycle will make transitioning into post cycle therapy (pct) a lot more easy. Along with Forma-Stanzol many use a combo of Unleashed/Post Cycle 1 cap 3 times a day of each. With the Hcgenerate/bridge on cycle, Forma-Stanzol, Unleashed/Post Cycle for post cycle therapy (pct) almost anyone can have a simple easy recovery and keep everything if not almost everything they have gained from a Helladrol cycle.

Check out the Helladrol Starter Stack, it comes with everything we suggest to combine with Helladrol.

What side effects can I get when using Helladrol?

When it comes to side effects Helladrol is more mild then other compounds. This is not to say many of the common side effects one would get from androgens like it would never happen but it is a lot less common with Helladrol. Some liver toxicity is reported. Hair loss although not common has been reported. Gyno is again not very common but can and has happen during a cycle with this compound.

All in all Helladrol is fairly mild except when run in higher doses 100mg or above. As with any anabolic shut down of natural testosterone is inevitable but with a good post cycle therapy (pct) recoverable. Increased blood pressure, cholesterol and or back pumps have also been reported while using Helladrol. A full dose of N2guard every day during the cycle would counteract all of these potential side effects and is highly recommended. However a full dose of Forged Liver support every day during the cycle is said to be a minimum requirement for on cycle support.

Do I need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) when using Helladrol?

Unless one is very prone to gyno and or bloat during a cycle an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is not commonly needed during a cycle of Helladrol. If one must run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) always start with the lightest dose needed and always use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that is not known for robbing ones gains from the cycle. Forma-Stanzol at 5 pumps am and 5 pumps pm works outstandingly well for many and often nothing else is needed. Forged Bromo can be added to this at 1 cap a day for the entire cycle if more is needed.

Will taking Helladrol give me gyno?

As stated above gyno from Helladrol is not common during the cycle but not unheard of ether. Be sure to run a compound with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Serm abilities during post cycle therapy (pct) to prevent gyno/estrogen rebound after the cycle.

This is again why Forma-Stanzol is the post cycle therapy (pct) of choice. Not only does it lower estrogen and progesterone exceptional well but it also has powerful Serm like effects among many others.

Is Helladrol liver toxic?

Less toxic then most Helladrol is still a 17a anabolic and still causes some stress to the liver. More so when used in the higher dosing ranges and or when stacked with other 17a anabolic compounds.

As stated above Forged Liver Support every day would be more than enough for liver support and a full dose of N2guard would be the extra mile in safety.

I'm under the age of 21, should I use Helladrol?

No. In fact, you should not use any steroid or hormonal product if you are under 21.
Your body is already making plenty of natural testosterone at your age and there is no need to mess with hormonal products.

I’m an athlete in organized sports, should I use Helladrol?

No. Using Helladrol to enhance athletic performance in competitive sports is morally wrong and against the rules of every known organized sport league. Cheating in sports by a few is the main reason Steroids are illegal for all of us. Not only are you cheating yourself, but you are also going to get caught. Helladrol will make any drug-tested athlete test positive for WADA banned substances during the cycle.

If you are tested for steroids this product will cause you to test positive for steroid metabolites.

When taking Helladrol, what dose should I take?

As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 capsules split up throughout the day. Do not exceed more than 2-3 capsules in a 24 hour period. Do not use for more than 30 days without at least a 30-60 day break in between.

How long can I cycle Helladrol for?

Because Helladrol is so powerful we do not recommend using the product at a dose higher then 2-3 caps a day for more than 30 days at a time. Make sure to take at least a full 30-60 days off before cycling the product again. This means that 1 bottle of Helladrol can be used for 3 full 30 day cycles of the product.
Everyone knows that this is my favorite ph and my results show why... This is an awesome deal and everyone should be jumping all over it... I highly recommend helladrol... Its an amazing product...
hello everyone,
I'm a newbie to ph and I would like to try helladrol. would this starter stack provide everything I need or do you suggest for me to add something else. I was thinking of adding some d-test to the PCT. I'm curious because from all the logs I have seen of helladrol so far no one uses this specific stack and I'm just wondering if its because they are more advance and taking higher dosages then I would be taking or is there something else I'm missing. Any advice is welcome. Thanks
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hello everyone,
I'm a newbie to ph and I would like to try helladrol. would this starter stack provide everything I need or do you suggest for me to add something else. I was thinking of adding some d-test to the PCT. I'm curious because from all the logs I have seen of helladrol so far no one uses this specific stack and I'm just wondering if its because they are more advance and taking higher dosages then I would be taking or is there something else I'm missing. Any advice is welcome. Thanks

The helladrol starter stack is fine and I see no issue with adding d-test to your PCT